Aaron x

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  • Dedicated to Aaron


Dear Aaron,

I miss you. I never knew you, but you're still my brother. If you were still alive you'd be a lot older than me. Probably in your twenties, right? I wonder if you'd have dirty blonde hair like me and blue eyes? What if you had curly dark brown hair like my mom? I wonder...

If you were alive I bet we'd be close. I could go to you and talk to you and stuff, I like to hope so at least. Maybe if you were alive you'd be married by now and I could be an aunt. I've always wanted to be an aunt, but unfortunately I'm an only child. Hopefully my future husband has a sister(s)/brother(s) so then I can still be an aunt.

It's too bad mom and dad made that decision, otherwise you'd be here right now, but I guess it's okay because I can write to you here and talk to you. It's all in God's plan. I've always wanted to write/type you a letter. You won't ever be able to read it, but maybe somehow God has a way of letting you know how much you mean to me.

Mom says that it's possible for people in Heaven to look down at people on earth. I think it's true. Do you look down at mom, dad, and me? That'd be pretty cool. I sometimes think of you and my other brother/sister when I'm not doing too well. It kind of brings me some hope knowing I'll see you someday and that you're up there having the time of you life. I can't wait to meet you and my other brother/sister.

Mom says she likes the name Aaron for you. She said one day it just came to her after she had been praying about you and  she knew what your name would be. She wanted it to be Aaron therefore I'm calling you Aaron. She also told me that I could pray about what my other brother/sister's name is. Maybe God will tell me someday. I've had a few names pop in my head, but I never really know. None of them really struck me like it should be his/her name. I have a feeling it's a sister though. I'm not sure why, but maybe I'm wrong. Oh well, I guess I'll find out soon enough considering this life is like a blink of an eye.

So what's it like up in Heaven? Glorifying God's name everyday? Worshiping Him? I bet it's amazing. No pain or suffering anymore. I can't wait for the day I get to go to Heaven. It has to be much better there than it is here.

Well, I'm going to go now. I'll write you another letter soon probably depending on when I have time. Life is hectic and I'm  constantly having to do stuff. I love you!(:


Megan x

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