Anthem Lights x

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  • Dedicated to Anthem Lights


Dear Anthem Lights,

Yeah, so you're a band and I'm writing to you. Here it goes!

First off, I'd like to thank all four of you for changing my life for the better. I saw you at Revolve and fell in love with your music. I could relate to every single song. Your songs helped me through a lot. I remember blasting your CD in the car and singing my head off.

Revolve really changed me. The four of you on stage were really funny and awesome. I liked how you invited someone on stage to sing with you. You guys may not of done any of the talking or lessons or anything, but you really got the crowd to worship. It was nice to see. It was a quite comical day actually because I remember after the first song I claimed Joey and my other friend chose Caleb. I look back at it and laugh. After Revolve ended my church group was outside the building yelling up at you guys after we got our things signed from you. I remember Caleb gave us a peace sign and Joey and Chad waved. It made our day.

You guys rock, I follow you on Twitter. You may of never tweeted me back.....yet, but I still love you. I just have this connection to your band now because all your songs are so inspirational. No one can really understand how much your band means to me because you all brought me closer to God through your songs.

This isn't a very long letter and I'm sorry but I love you guys loads and you're all such an inspiration to me. Okay, bye! :D


Megan x

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