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"Wow it was like he wasn't even there" The girl in red exclaimed as professor Ozpin finished up his speech.

Blake liked Ozpin, she thought the gray haired headmaster was wise and knowledgeable.

"Now, you'll be sleeping in the ball room tonight" Opzin's deputy ms. goodwitch stated curtly. That night Blake sat propped up against the wall reading, as usual. She was enjoying a rather interesting chapter when she saw her.

Blake was speechless, a beautiful blonde haired girl was dragging the little red girl towards her. Blake's heart fluttered. "What's happening?" Blake thought to herself, she had never experienced anything like this.

"Hellooo" The blonde girl said cheerily. What a beautiful voice.

"I believe you two may know each other" The blonde said as she gestured to the girl in red, well the girl in black pajamas.

"Aren't you that girl who exploded?" Blake questioned the girl. "Good, just focus on the little red girl" Blake thought to herself.

"Uh yeah, my name is Ruby" Ruby said as she put out her hand. Blake didn't shake it, she was uncannily nervous. "Why is this happening!?" Blake thought angrily to herself.

"You can call me crater... Actually you can just call me Ruby"

"OK" Blake said trying to contain her nervousness but coming off as rather unwelcoming.

"So what's your name?" The blonde haired girl asked

Blake let out a short sigh, she wasn't sure she could handle a conversation with this girl. "Why!?" Blake thought

"Blake" She said simply

"Well Blake I'm Yang" Yang said with a broad smile. Yang, what a fitting name.

"I'm Ruby's older sister" Yang exclaimed. "Really!?" Blake thought. "But they're so different in both looks and personality"

"I like your bow" Yang said. Blake's heart fluttered again. "Stop it!" Blake thought.

"It goes well with your... Pajamas

"Thanks" Blake said trying to keep her cool.

"Nice night huh?" Yang said oblivious to Blake's uncomfortable manner.

"Yes, almost as nice as this book-" Blake said, this conversation wasn't going to last before Blake had a nervous breakdown.

"-that I'll continue to read-" Blake said. Yang and Ruby didn't even blink.

"-alone" Blake said defiantly.
"Why do I always push people away?" Blake thought to herself.

"Yeah, this girls a lost cause" Yang said.

"What's it about?" Ruby intervened.

"Huh?" Blake said, taken aback.

"Your book, what is it about?"

"Its about a man with two souls fighting over one body"

"Oh yeah, that's lovely" Yang said to herself more than to anyone else. Blake wasn't surprised, Yang didn't look like a bookworm.

"I love books, Yang used to read to me every night" Ruby said with a glint in her silver eyes. Blake smiled a little, no one ever read her story's like Yang did to Ruby.

"Stories about monsters, hero's, there one if the reasons I wanted to become a huntress" Ruby continued.

"Why is that? Hoping you'll live happily ever after? Blake said with a little chuckle.

"I'm hoping we all will" Ruby said
"When I was a girl I wanted to be like the hero's in the books, someone who fought for what was right and protected people who couldn't protect themselves" Ruby said confidently.

"That's very ambitious for a child, unfortunately the real world isn't the same as the fairy tales. Blake said with a sadness clearly shown on her face.

"Well that's why we're here, to make it better" Ruby said, smiling.

"Oooh I'm so proud of my baby sister" Yang said cheerily to Ruby as she picked up and hugged her. The two started to get into a play fight causing a rather loud commotion.

"Well Ruby, Yang its a pleasure t-"

"What in the world is going on here, don't you realize some of us are trying to sleep here!" A girl in white pajamas said sternly, then she noticed Yang and Ruby. "Oh no" Blake thought to herself, it was Wiess.

"Oh not you again!" Both Yang and Wiess said in unison.

"Guys ssssh, she's right, some people are trying to sleep" Ruby said looking around nervously.

"Oh now your on my side!" Wiess said angrily to Ruby.

"I was always on your side!"

"Hey whats your problem with my sister!" Yang said with equal rage. Blake knew this wasn't going to go well.

"She's a hazard to my health!" Wiess said with a high pitched voice. Blake rolled her eyes and blow out the candle next to her leaving the room in darkness apart from the moonlight seeping in through the curtains.

"Hey!" All three girls said directed at Blake.

"Sorry, but I would actually like to be awake for initiation" Blake replied calmly.

"She's right" Yang said, laying down on her sleeping bag. Ruby did the same.

"Ugh" Wiess said strutting away in a superior manner.

"Hope I'm not on her team" Yang said to the two girls next to her.

"Me too" Blake said. She was getting used to Yang and could keep a casual tone around her. Soon Blake's eyes closed and she drifted off to sleep.

The forest, the same forest the black cat had been through the day before. In fact the cat been through this forest thousands of times yet the creature always caught up to her. The vegetation grew larger. The rain poured harder and the feeling of terror increased with every second. The cat stumbled, looking at its attacker in fear. The huge monster advanced, ready to strike. It crouched and than it leaped. But before it could harm the cat a shining yellow ball of light shielded the cat from its attacker. The cat was stunned, nothing like this had ever happened. The monster growled and launched once again but the light shielded the cat as it did before. Soon the monster backed off, leaving the ball of light and the cat alone. The ball turned to the cat and in a blink, it vanished.

Blake opened her eyes in astonishment. The nightmare she had been having for years had finally changed. No monster dealing a killing blow. No terror and no waking up struggling for air.

"What the hell could cause this?" Blake said to herself, looking right at a beautiful young woman with golden blonde hair.

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