Classes (pt. 1)

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"Jaune Arc, Nora Valkyrie, Pyrrha Nikos and Lie ren, together you will be team JNPR, lead by Jaune arc!" Professor Ozpin announced as the crowd of students of all years applauded. Blake was mildly taken aback, she was caught up in her own team that she didn't give too much thought on her partner's team leaders. Blake smiled as she reminisced on the previous few hours, Blake knew that Pyrrha was the strongest member of the team, maybe of the whole year group but Blake was reminded of Jaune's rather talented ability of managing and accessing a group. Blake wouldn't go as far to say he was anyone brilliant but she had to admit, he was a great candidate for team leader, even if he wasn't the most adept fighter in his own right.

Blake started as she was given a little, reminding push from Yang who winked as Blake glanced back. Her, yang and the other two walked with pride onto the center stage where all could behold them. Blake felt proud, all of her previous life experiences (albeit, not the most pleasant) had culminated in this moment, Blake started to beam with joy at the thought of turning a new page in her life.

"And finally Ruby Rose, Weiss Schnee, Blake Belladonna and Yang Xiao-Long, the four of you collected the knight pieces and from here forth, you will be known as team RWBY, lead by Ruby Rose"

Applause radiated around the room as Blake looked at her team mates with silent glee. The ceremony was finished and everyone was dismissed and sent to their dorm rooms.

"Wow, team RWBY..." Ruby quietly said more to herself than anyone else.

"I can't wait for tomorrow!" Yang said, still bursting with energy.

"We better get some sleep" Weiss said sharply "we have classes in the morning.

Blake just rolled her eyes and smiled. She soon began to realize how tired she actually was, after such an action packed day she really shouldn't be surprised.

Blake got dressed into her sleep wear and slid into her bed, she closed her eyes and sleep soon washed over her.

Blake's dream was different, it felt... Normal. Blake was in the forest with her team mates and they were having an inaudible conversation, all that mattered was that they were at peace.

Blake awoke suddenly when a loud sound of a whistle being blown and a thud was heard by Weiss' bed. Blake glanced to the left and saw Weiss on the floor with Ruby looking g down at her apologetically. Blake smiled, she finally felt at hone for the first time in years, she jumped out of bed and got changed into her school gear. She then looked around the bare rooms and a thought suddenly accrued to her. Before she could say anything Weiss burst out

"What is the meaning of this!?"

"Well we've got our first order of business" Ruby chimed.

"Unpacking" Blake piped in, the contents of her suitcase then fell onto the floor. "And repacking"

The group began to place up posters and set alarm clocks. Blake was sorting through her books when she picked up "Ninjas of Love", wide eyed and blushing Blake quickly placed the saucy romance novel in her bedside table. The group gathered by the door to see the room in its entirety. Blake noticed a slight problem. All four beds were strewn in a clump together, some tilted and others tipping over.

"This isn't going to work" Weiss said pointedly.

"It is a bit cramped" Blake remarked.

"We could ditch some of our stuff" Yang suggested.

"Or we could ditched the beds" Ruby's eyes twinkled with inspiration. "And replace them with bunk beds!" She exclaimed excitedly.

"Um, that sound incredibly dangerous" Weiss pointed out.

"And super awesome!" Yang went on.

"It does seem efficient" Blake replied.

"We should put it to a vote" Weiss said hesitantly, knowing her fate was already sealed.

"I think we just did" Ruby smirked. The group then began to rearrange the beds in a more "orderly" fashion. Its was definitely controlled chaos Blake thought to herself.

"Alright, our second order if business is... Classes" Ruby finished disdainfully. "Now we've got a few classes together today, at nine we've got-"

"What!? Its eight fifty five!" Weiss yelled. "Let's go you dunce!" The group started to sprint out the dorm and down the hall to the school grounds. Blake noticed team JNPR was on their tail, also tardy. The platoon rushed through the classrooms looking for their room number, when they found it they all dashed into the room. The class all stared at the out of breath students, some snickered but Blake thought they got off OK altogether.

"Ah, team JNPR, RWBY, glad to have you with us, I was just telling the class about one of the most crucial aspects of our jobs, the creatures we seek to fend off"

The class soon began to drop off as professor Port started to tell his story of how he defeated a Beowolf, Blake was listening intently more from habit than actual interest. Blake couldn't help but notice what an amateur fight Port was retelling.
Well not everyone has hands on experience she thought.

Blake glanced to her right to see Weiss irritated, nothing special there. Blake noticed that she was more than just her usual self and was positively shaking. Blake assumed Ruby was the cause as Weiss kept shooting her poisonous looks. But before Weiss could explode professor Port asked the room a question.

"So who among you believe they are the embodiment of knowledge, skill and vigilance?" Weiss raised her hand aggressively.

"I do sir!" She said clearly.

"Well then, why don't you show us. Step up and face your opponent"

Professor Port pointed to the metal cage to his side which suddenly started shaking and loud bangs were heard from inside the cage. Blake looked at it with interest and then glanced towards Weiss.

"This should be interesting" She thought.

A/N: hey guys, its finally out! Yeah I really have just put of writing I'm sorry, not much to say but I hope you enjoy and I hope I can try to not publish every other month.

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