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As Blake looked around the ball room she noticed she was one of the few people up. There were a few people awake, like a pair of students with the ginger girl being very flighty and upbeat chattering to her dark haired partner. Blake also noticed a tall young woman putting on her leg plates, Blake thought she looked familiar as if she was from a commercial or something.

Blake soon got changed and started to head to her locker which was only a few minutes away. Blake's mind soon wandered to things like her dream, for over nine years she had been having a reoccurring dream but after her first night at beacon it had changed. Blake thought the light might be an omen, a beacon maybe. Upon finding her locker Blake retrieved the one thing that had kept her alive in the world: Gambol Shroud.

"Come to mama" Blake said soothingly to her prized weapon.

Later that day Blake found herself standing on a platform looking onto a thickly layered forest. Professor Ozpin had just finished their briefing for the initiation and a quiet murmur came from the small crowd of students. Blake - like most students - was prioritising getting into the right team.

"Please dear God let me get in a team with Ruby or Yang" Blake thought to herself with a pleading tone. Blake adjusted her bow as she heard the platforms to her left propel the other students. In a matter of seconds the platform underneath her shot towards the forest leaving Blake in a free-fall state. Blake started to analyse the trees looking for an appropriate one to land on. She saw a large tree with a long, sturdy branch that she could swing from. Pulling out her weapon, Blake shot Gambol Shroud at the branch, grabbed onto the long black ribbon as the blade hooked onto the branch and came off right above it. Blake spread her arms and legs and landed on all fours on the branch. Blake sat down leaning on the branch, she was breathing rather heavily and needed a quick rest.

Gun shots could be heard coming right above Blake, looking up Blake saw a yellow blur shoot pass her. Upon closer inspection Blake recognised Yang flying through the sky with a pair of stylish sunglasses and a huge smile.

"Perfect" Blake said to herself running after the blonde. Yang was starting to slow down giving Blake some time to catch up, but even so Yang was still a few minutes away as Blake started to slow down breathing hard. Blake decided to go for the "I'm not a stalker" route and started to follow Yang while conducting a scheme where both Yang and Blake meet by accident (which ironically was very stalker-ish). Yang was unaware of Blake's presence and walked causally taking in her surroundings. Blake noticed something: She and Yang weren't alone. Quickly and silently Blake climbed a tree to get a better view of the situation.

Yang was still walking around shouting things like "hellooooo" and being subtle as ever. But even Yang noticed that she was being watched, turning around Yang found herself looking at a rustling bush.

"Ruby?" Yang questioned, slowly walking towards the bush. Suddenly a giant creature similar to the one from Blake's dream lunged toward Yang.

"Beowolves" Blake said quietly to herself. Blake decided not to intervene and instead to see how well Yang fared in close quarters combat. Blake watched as another creature of Grimm advanced on Yang. Holding her ground Yang's gauntlets started to expand and cover most of her forearm. Blake soon realised that Yang's gauntlets weren't just for fashion. Upon punching one of the Beowolves a sound reminiscent of a shotgun could be heard as the creature was blown back to the floor.

"you guys wouldn't have seen a girl in a red hood have you?" Yang asked. The Beowolf roared loudly and lunged towards Yang

"You could just say no!" Yang said as she avoided the attack. The creature of Grimm lunged again but once again Yang dodged.

"Jeez you two couldn't hit the broad side of a b-" Yang stopped, a single blonde hair fell slowly to the ground. As it fell it was almost as if time had stopped, but unfortunately for the Beowolf time did not stop. Yang closed her eyes and when she opened them Blake was surprised to see that the beautiful lavender colour had been replaced with a blood red shade.

"You monster!" Yang yell as she sent blow after blow towards the unsuspecting Beowolf. After a dozen near fatal punches to the creatures rib cage Yang threw one more punch at the first Beowolf and it soared through multiple trees and landed with a thud.

"What!? You want some too!?" Yang screamed as she faced the second Beowolf. But before she could attack the beast let out a whimper and collapsed, dead. Yang's eyes changed back to lavender as she looked at Blake, panting. Blake smirked.

"I could've taken him" Yang said smiling. Blake and Yang started walking in a random direction.

"Sooooo... How are yah?" Yang said with a smile.

"Good, I guess?" Blake said slowly. To be completely honest, Blake was ecstatic. Blake was guaranteed to be a on a team with Yang, but she didn't show it.

"Hey, I'm sorry about yesterday with saying you were a lost cause and all" Yang said, Blake noticed this was the only time she had seen Yang nervous.

"Oh, its fine really. I'd love to be on a team with you" Blake said, smiling slightly. Blake winced when Yang turned away, Blake didn't want to sound too excited.

"OK cool. So...Blake where are you from?" Yang questioned.

"Well I was born in Vale but I never knew my parents and lived in an orphanage until I was eighteen. After that I got a part time job and studied to he a huntress" Blake said, looking at the sky.

"Awww, you poor thing" Yang said giving Blake a strong side hug. Blake blushed but Yang's face was buried in Blake's hip. Upon releasing from the hug Yang stared out over the cliff's edge and pointed. Blake looked to where Yang was pointing and saw an old and broken down fortress.

"You thinks that's it?" Yang asked. Blake didn't reply and started to walk down the hill.

"Hey wait for me!" Yang said, running after Blake.

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