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The moon shine brightly in the night sky. Blake exited the bathroom, her teeth brushed and her pyjamas on. She bid Weiss and Yang a goodnight and silently took out a book in her bookshelf. She waited with her breath held as she heard the faint sound of the group sleeping. Smiling mischievously, Blake opened her guilty pleasure and read in silence to herself. Blake blushed more and more as she continued through the pages. Her heart suddenly jumped as she heard the bathroom door begin to open. Turning off her lamp quickly she lay down and pretended to sleep. Blake heard as Ruby made her way to her bed, but she abruptly stopped as she heard a sound from outside the room. Exiting the room Blake listened intently as Ruby began to talk with the person outside.

"Hey Jaune, long time no see" Blake heard Ruby say to who Blake assumed was Jaune. Blake or any of the crew had rarely seen Jaune for about a week or so, coincidentally the same day if the "incident". Blake shuddered in embarrassment and continued on her eavesdropping.

"Did you lock yourself out again?" Ruby asked. Blake snickered quietly to herself a little bit.

"Oh ah, nope. Got it" he said, a little flustered.

"So, where have you been lately?" Ruby asked.

"I uh... I messed up" Jaune sighed.

"I did something I shouldn't have and now Cardin has got me on a leash and Pyhhra won't even talk to me" Jaime sighed again.

"I'm starting to think coming to this school was a bad idea. I'm a failure" Blake sat in silence, she felt a jab of familiarity at Jaune's remark.

"Nope" Ruby replied simply


"Nope, your a leader now Jaune, your not allowed to be a failure" Ruby continued.

"But what if I'm a failure at being a leader" Jaune said.

"Mmm, nope" Ruby said again.

"You know, your not the easiest person to talk to about this kind of stuff"

"Nope" Ruby repeated.

"Jaune, maybe you were a failure when "you were a kid. Maybe you were a failure on your first day at beacon" Blake heard a groan from Jaune.

"But you can't be one now, you know why?" Ruby said.

"Uhh, because-" Jayne began

"Because it's not just about you anymore" Ruby interrupted.

"You've got a team now Jaune, we both do. And if we fail we will just drag them down with us. We have to put our teammates first, and ourselves second. Your team deserves a great leader Jaune, and I think that can be you. Have a good night Jaune" Ruby said closed the door behind her.

Blake lay in mild surprise. Ruby had just given a commendable speech to Jaune. Maybe Ruby was more mature then Blake had given her credit for. At that exact moment Blake heard a quiet snore come from the top bunk next to her, Ruby had immediately fallen asleep and was snoring cutely. Blake giggled a little bit, taking back her remark.

Blake's eyes slowly opened as she stretched out in her bed, a low yawn escaping her. Climbing down the stairs she gave a little kick to Yang, waking her up.

"Thanks Blakey..." Yang said slightly annoyed. Blake giggled as Yang pulled a large amount of hair out of her mouth that fell in after making her remark.

"Your welcome" Blake replied. Ruby sprung out of her bed and quickly gathered her things.

"Surprise Feeeeild trip!" She shouted in glee. Ruby's yell woke a sleeping Weiss who promptly fell out of her bed.

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