Blue Earth P7

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Warnings: You Already Know Smut

You slammed back another shot of Jasper's moonshine, which he'd dubbed 'Unity Day juice', grimacing as it seared down your throat. You plunked the canteen down on the table that was currently being used for a flip cup tournament, shivering as the alcohol settled low in your belly. Another drink was shoved into your hand, and you slammed that back as well, grateful to be drinking moonshine that was not made by you. You were feeling pleasantly buzzed, the cold bite of the late fall air barely registering to your hazy senses. 

Something that did register was how incredibly hot Bellamy looked as he walked into view and leaned against a tree, crossing his arms and surveying the revelry going on around him. It seemed that he was not partaking in the Unity Day celebration, instead taking on the role of the stoic babysitter to nearly one hundred drunken delinquents.

Frowning, you decided that you'd convince him to join in or get plastered trying. The thought of Bellamy drunk had you giggling to yourself as you moved around the fringe of the group, careful to stay out of sight, sneakily creeping up behind Bellamy. You tried to quiet your steps as you sauntered to him and slid your hands under his jacket and shirt, pressing your fingers against the warm skin of his back as he jumped at your touch.

"Has anyone told you how amazing your ass looks in those pants?" You whispered, standing on the tips of your toes to get closer to his ear, seeing the edges of his mouth quirking up as he turned his head towards you. You traced the panes of his back, running your fingers down the valley of his spine before grabbing his backside and squeezing it.

You snickered as he whirled around, grinning. He wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you to him, and your heart soared at being able to embrace him outside of your tent. Your hands went to his neck, threading into his hair as he gripped your waist.

"Someone's been having fun" He said, as his fingers slipped under your shirt to splay across your lower back, "And a few drinks"

"Mm, I have" You said in a sing song voice, leaning into his touch, "And I have" You finished, smiling devilishly as you giggled again. His fingers began stroking your back in gentle circles, making you purr like a kitten in the circle of his arms. You buried your face into the crook of his neck, unable to resist pressing a few soft kisses to the warm flesh there.

"You're not celebrating," You noted absently, playing with the hair at his nape.

"Someone has got to be sober tonight," He explained, casting an amused look around him, before his brow furrowed and he mumbled, almost to himself, "We have enemies out there that don't know or care about Unity Day"

"Bellamy," You sighed, using the hands you had positioned on his neck to turn his face towards you, "Of all the time we've spent here on earth, if you were ever going to pick a time to relax and act like a semi-adult, this would be the day to do it." He laughed and looked down, biting his lip and scuffing his already dirty boots onto the ground, "Bell there's a party going on around you, people are having fun, getting drunk, why don't you live a little?" You asked as you sucked on the sensitive skin of his neck.

"What my woman wants," He grated, cupping your face in his before taking your lips hungrily. You kissed urgently for a moment, reveling in the feel of his lips pressed against yours. Once you broke apart you took his hand in yours and led him to the edge of the wall, walking along the towering timbers until you found a clump of trees near your tent. Pulling him behind the tall saplings, you slammed his back against the bark and then you were on him, your lips fierce against his, your hands pulling at any part of him you could reach. He gently pulled you away from him, but you kept nipping at his neck and chest, pushing aside his shirt, revealing the firm skin of his collarbone and upper pectorals to your touch.

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