Controlla XXXVII

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 "I've been getting dirty looks all day, I'm sick of it

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"I've been getting dirty looks all day, I'm sick of it." You exhale, feeling your shoulders relax as you lay on his bed and instantly feel tired. The tent smells sweet and it's so peacefully quiet. You wish you could spend the rest of your life in his tent, avoiding the outside world. Bell walks over to you.

"By who?" He questions, his eyebrows furrowed as he stands in front of the bed, looking down at you. You pause, admiring his features before realizing he asked you a question. It's not uncommon for you to lose your train of thought while looking at Bellamy.

"Danielle, Anna, Jacob - their whole group." You sigh, looking at the familiar ceiling of his tent. Bellamys silent, a smirk playing on his perfect, pink lips as he makes his way over to you on the bed. Fitting perfectly with each other, his arms wrap around you comfortably and his lips make their way to your warm neck. He begins kissing and sucking in an effort to make you feel better about everything and yes, it's working very well.

"Baby," he breathes out and you almost scream at how hot he is, "You know they're jealous, right?"

"I don't doubt it, just look at you." You smile, your hand running through his curly hair. Bellamys tongue licks a spot on your neck and you squirm under his hold, facing him better.

"They don't want you to have anything." He whispers as you feel his hands graze up your thighs slowly, "They don't want to see me smiling knowing I'd lie for you." His hands then run up your waist, past your breasts and he pins you down by your wrists, "Thinking I'd die for you." You shiver, feeling goosebumps rise.

"Bellamy." You moan in a quiet whisper as his lips brush against the red mark on your neck. He pulls back, smiling widely as he hovers by your side and you can feel his breath hitting you.

"I do things when you want me to." He smirks when you hum in pleasure, "I know what you like, baby. You like it when I get aggressive, tell you to go faster or go slower. They don't want you to have anything. Especially me." Your eyes flutter over his features before you place a hand on his cheek, pulling him towards your lips. When the soft, full lips that belong to the man you love meet your own lips, the only thing you can think of are fireworks - the kind teachers show footage of in History class when you learned about life on earth before the Unity Day in Space. Though you've never seen fireworks and maybe never will, the feeling in your stomach is bursting, rising to your chest like a firework rises and flies through the sky. When your breathing gets heavy, he pulls back but you keep your eyes closed as you savor the taste of his lips.

"You're amazing." You tell him genuinely, "You're too good for me." You laugh, opening your eyes to see Bellamy looking at you fondly before he stands up.

"Come here," He smiles, outstretching his hand and you take it. He notices the questioning look on your face. It's night time, where could he possibly be taking you? "We're going to go give them hell."

"What do you mean?" You question. He holds your hand as you walk out of the tent. Bellamy turns to you as he walks, placing a finger to your lips as he smirks. Shaking your head in amusement, you close your lips in a smile. The smile falls when you look ahead at the orange glow casting light amongst close tents. The girls who didn't stop glaring at you all day are sat around the fire, smiles on their faces as they talk to one another before Bellamy leads you to them.

"Ladies, Jacob." Bellamy interrupts. As if on cue, their heads snap in your direction and their smiles instantly drop, "Do you mind if we sit?" Bellamy asks sweetly, placing his hand on your waist cheekily.

"No go ahead..." Danielle looks at Bellamy, gesturing to the lone seat next to her. You almost growl at her flirty smirk, but decide against it - he obviously has a plan. Bellamy moves the chair from right next to her, sitting down comfortably, "There's a chair over there for you." Danielle rolls her eyes, earning a few snickers from the other girl sitting next to your boyfriend. You open your mouth, about to roast her and yell about how the harsh Earth sun has done nothing good for her crusty ass skin, but Bellamy speaks up before you can have a go at her.

"She's good sitting here. Aren't you, baby?" Bellamy pats his lap as he looks up at you through his long eyelashes.

"Perfectly good." With a big grin on your face, you look to Danielle, then the - other girl who look furious - before you make your way to Bell, sitting sideways on his lap, "So, what're you talking about?"

"Couples." Anna sneers devilishly, not caring for subtly, "Good ones, bad ones." You hide a laugh at the look she gives you and you cross your burning legs as you sit close to the heat of the fire.

"Might not want to move too much, gorgeous." You hear Bellamy whisper close to your ear and you shiver, hiding a laugh.

"Something funny?" Danielle questions, her eyebrows raised angrily. Feeling Bellamys hands squeeze your thigh gently, you turn to him.

"Take her down." He whispers, inaudible to the group. You smile at him, happiness flowing through you.

"Just funny that you have an opinion on good and bad couples yet you've never had a boyfriend." You smile sarcastically. In all honesty, being 17 - like Danielle - and never having a boyfriend is fine but you knew it was something she hated.

"Yeah well I've just been waiting for your boy to realise he's too good for you." Danielle retorts, sneering back at you as you chest heaves in anger.

"Why would I want to downgrade to you?" Bellamy questions rhetorically and you smile at Danielle, who looks beyond angry and hurt.

"I'm sure I can do things she can't." Danielle rolls her eyes and you scoff loudly, almost laughing.

"Yeah? Like what? Go 5 days without a shower?" You sass back and Bellamy chuckles. Anna is about to go to her friends defense, but you speak first, "I suggest you shut your mouth along with your legs."

"Y\N," Jacob speaks up for the first time since you've sat down, "You have nothing going for you except keeping your own legs wide open. That's the only reason you have your boy toy. You're a whore." He laughs. You furrow your eyebrows, never knowing how much these people actually hated you. And for what? For dating someone you love.

"Love, do you mind standing up for a quick second?" Bellamy questions and you nod, getting up. He marches over to Jacob rapidly, grabbing a fist full of his shirt in his hands as Bellamy lifts him up from his seat, ignoring shouts from the other girls, "Call her that again! I dare you! Let's see where it gets you." Bellamy yells in his face, anger taking over him. Jacob stays silent. "That's what I fucking thought. Well, are you going to apologize?"

"Sorry," Jacob mutters in defeat, not wanting to have his nose broken by Bellamy, who turns back around stretching his arms as the girls watch his muscles flexing. You give him an amused smile, shaking your head as he walks over to you.

"Well, it's been real." He announces, wrapping his arm around you lovingly, "Oh and Jacob, tell your pathetic excuses of friends to stop looking at my girl. Thanks." Bell smiles sweetly, placing his lips on your neck as the two of you walk back to his tent with proud smiles on your faces.

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