Don't Go XXXXV

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"Damn it! We've been out here for hours and haven't seen a freaking thing!" Grumbles some boy that tagged along

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"Damn it! We've been out here for hours and haven't seen a freaking thing!" Grumbles some boy that tagged along.

"You have been bitching this entire time, you probably scared all the animals away!" Monroe snaps. She stomps by me. I let her go ahead because I'm sure as hell not stopping her when she is angry and has a gun.

"She's right, we have scared all the animals away. They most likely caught our scent by now too. Let's head back, it seems to be getting a little cloudy anyways." I announce and pick up my speed.

Not fast enough apparently because soon after I say this the sky opens up and we all get drenched. We all take the risk of falling and bump it up to a jog as we race through the trees.

We reach the gate but it doesn't open. We bang on it and yell at the person on watch. A girl opens it up with some apology about us maybe being grounders. I push past her not really caring and head to the drop ship.

"Oh no. Finn was right about the rain. Let me get you some towels." Clarke says digging through some stuff.

"Oh no, I'm fine Clarke. I just came in to inform you we didn't find anything while we were out. I was the one in charge so I'll take reasonability." I blurt. She look back at me with a little pity. "Sorry for bothering you. Good night." I add and leave before she can grill me. I enter my tent, change and go right to bed. Clarke may have let me go but Bellamy will light into me when he finds out.

I open my eyes but quickly shut them and groan. God my head. I squint and look through the crack I left open in my door. I can see that the sun is just starting to rise. I breath in and sniffle. It's still early I can sleep some more. I try to get more comfortable but moving around makes my headache worse. I just pull the covers up over my head and try to get back to sleep.

The sound of a zipper stirs me awake. "Are you hiding from me? Jasper and Monty found a ton of berries yesterday that we know are safe to eat. It's fine that you didn't bring in anything last night." A deep voice booms. "Come on it's way past time to get up. It's blistering out what's with the blanket?" He says and yanks the blanket off of me.

I groan and squeeze my eyes shut. "Bellamy give that back, I'm freezing. Can you be a little quieter too please."

He doesn't respond and I pop one eye open and see him with worry all over his face. "God (y/n), you don't look good." He kneels down and puts the back of his hand on my forehand. "Shit, you're burning up. Wait, why is your hair damp?" He asks holding a chunk of my bangs. "You don't get caught in a downpour and not dry off! I sucked at Earth Skills and even I know that." He weakly scolds. "I'm going to go get Clarke, I'll be right back." He races off before I can protest. I pull my blanket back up and am out in a second.

I let out an groan and bring my hand to my head. I find something cold. I blink a couple times trying to get out of this groggy state and notice the bed move. I turn my head a little and see Bellamy right next to me, holding a cloth.

"Sorry. I was just switching this out for a colder one." He sets it in a basin near by and returns to my side. "Does it help? Clarke said it should and that you seem have a cold. We don't have any medicine so you will just have to rest for a day or two."

He stands up and looks down at you. I've never seen Bellamy so sweet and caring before, it's nice. I smile and give a weak nod. "Yeah it does, thanks." He turns to leave but I grab his wrist not wanting to miss my chance again.

He looks back at me, eyebrows crunched together. "What is it?"

I probably would have blushed if I had the energy to. "Can you please stay with me?" His expression softens. "Just until I fall asleep." I softly add and look away. I'm probably contagious, what's wrong with me. He is always busy too. I'm dumb, he doesn't have time for this.

"Of course." He answers sitting back down beside me. "You did get sick because you took my hunting shift." He says trying to sound casual. "Plus I've never heard you ask for anything before." He adds quietly. He runs this fingers through your hair and you close your eyes. "I'm not going anywhere. So try and get some sleep okay?. We need you better as soon as possible. The camp would fall apart without you."

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