The Awkwardness

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School was a little...awkward after the dream I had about know. Anyway, I practically just spent the whole day ignoring him along with the rest of the basketball team not including my brother, Tet-nii, and Riko-san. That was until the ask decided to confront me about it. So here I am in the gym surrounded by the boys who have arms crossed and unknowing looks on there faces.

"Why are you ignoring us?" Kagami states, being the one to brake the silence.

"Yeah, I saw you in the hallway at lunch and when I went to talk to you you just turned around and left!" Exclaimed Koganei as he pouted.

I scratched the back of my head and looked at my feet before looking back up. " uh, had to do with a weird dream I had, but I'm all good now." I said as I smiled at them as I gave them a thumbs up.

"Stop smothering the poor girl and go get changed, you have three minutes!" yelled Riko as she entered the gym with Tet-nii on her heals.

As all the boys rushed to the locker room in fears of having to do extra laps, Riko walked towards me with a smirk.

"So..." she said as she wrapped an arm around my shoulders.

"'So...' what, Riko-senpai?" I questioned her unfinished statement.

"What was the dream about?" she smirked as she asked this.

I blushed but told her anyway. "It um.. It was about K-Kagami um.. Kagami p-p-p-pro-proposed to me..." I whispered the last part, but, due to our closeness, Riko-senpai still caught it.

"Aww, and here I thought you had some perverted dream about him. Now I owe Kuroko ramen." this statement has my eyes widening.

"You bet on me?!" I screamed as the boys just came out of the locker room and into the gym.

I slowly turned my head and smiled sheepishly at hem before slowly backing away from Riko and turning, starting to run only to run I to the wall which was Kagami causing me to fall backwards only for him to catch me. He hugged me to his chest and brought his lips to my ear.

"So I proposed, Huh?" he whispers and I could feel him smirk against my ear.

'Could this day get anymore embarrassing?!'

Hey minna-san, I am really super duper extremely sorry for the reallllllllllly late but for the past year I've been having a lot of trouble in my life which has cause me to transfer schools and move in with my dad, yes my parents are divorced. Anyway, I know it's short, but I just wanted to get something out to you guys.
I love you guys for sticking with me thought this year of no updates and I really appreciate it. Anyway, bye Minna San, see y'all next time!!!!!!

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