The G.O.M.'s

830 22 6

(P.S. this chapter has been edited)

"Ehh?!"The whole team shouted in surprise, even Kagami.

"You can't be serious coach!" Kagami yelled with a shock filled tone.

"I'm serious, anyway are you going to high school here?" Riko asked, as she turned to me.

"Yes, but they said that I could skip school anytime I want." I said expressionlessly with a slight shrug

"And why's that?" Riko asked with a warm yet sinister smile.

"Because I've already finished my high school education." They all, except My brother and Kagami, looked at me shocked.

"You're not serious... are you serious?" Riko asked.

I gave a quick nod in confirmation,"Tet-nii did too, didn't he tell you guys?" They shook their heads no while starring at both of us in surprise. "I guess you didn't ask then." they, still starring at us, nodded in agreement.

"Onee-chan, you should probably call someone to come and fix that." Kuroko said as he pulled his phone out of his pockets and handed it too me.

I dialed the number I knew all to well and pressed the call button. "Yes Tetsuya?" they answered.

"Hello, uncle Nezumi, its Megumi by the way, I have a favor to ask, can you make a trip to Serin high school to fix a basketball hoop." I asked as I picked up the hoop and swung it around, everyone stared at me in shock as I do so.

"Hi to you to Megumi, nice to know you made it back safely. Did you break basketball hoop again? Haven't you only been back in Japan for like why, a hour?" My uncle asked with mostly amusement but also a bit of worry in his voice.

"Yes." I said with a barely audible sigh as I put the hoop down carefully to make sure it didn't indent the floor any more than it already had.

"How many times is that now?" He probably didn't get much sleep last night because you could hear the tiredness in his voice. Probably our new cousins.

"That would be the 28th time in my whole life that I have done that." You could hear the sigh that he gave me.

"Fine, I will be there tomorrow morning to fix it. I have to go now I have baby duty, bye" After saying a quick goodbye back he hung up.

"Our uncle will be by tomorrow to fix that hoop as it's the weekend." I explained as I handed Tet-nii his phone.

"Well, it is the end of practice anyway. That's it for today guys! Go clean up and then you can get changed and go home for the day!" Riko yelled out so the boys could all hear her and they quickly started cleaning.

Wile the boys did the I went and got changed back into my clothes. I didn't bother taking a shower because I had barely done any sweating. After I was finished, I waited outside the gym for Tet-nii and once he was down we made our way home where I ate and then crashed for the night.

When I got up the next morning I immediately took a shower, got dressed, and put my hair back into a ponytail. My hair was just a little lighter than my brother's, but my eyes were a whole different different color. While his eyes matched his baby blue hair, mine were like freshly bloomed lilacs. Any ther thing that was different was our height, but even though I was a couple (4) inches shorter than my brother, I was stronger than him. I even beat Aomine and Murosakibara in arm wrestling matches.

  I got snapped out of my thoughts when I ran into my brother causing both of us too stumble and fall. "Oh, good morning Tet-nii." I said in my usual boring tone as I got up, pulling him with me.

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