The Confession

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Megumi's POV

It's been two weeks since mom died and me and Tet-nii were back in Japan with our father. It was almost time for winter break, so the weather had been cold for a while now.

"Megu-Chan, where's Kuroko-kun?" Riko-Chan asked.

"He went to buy a drink." I said with an emotionless tone.

"I'm right here, is there something you need?" Tet-nii was standing behind me as he said this.

"Megumi, come here for a second." Kagami said before he took a bite of his sandwich.

To tell the truth, I have been in love with Kagami ever since I saw him play basketball. I didn't tell him because it would make me look weak, so I am waiting until he confesses to me himself.

"What do you need?" I said putting a little bit of acid in my words.

He made a motion signaling for me to come closer, so I did and he whispered, "Will you go out with me?"

When I brought my face back a little I saw he was blushing. "I was waiting for you to ask that." I smirked a little.

"Is that a yes?" he asked with a little bit of hope in the sentence.

"Yes, it is." I say then give him a kiss on the cheek.

"Me-Megumi, the team is here!" he exclaimed.

"It's not like we need to keep it a secret." I said as I crossed my arms and pouted a little.

"Your right you don't need to keep it a secret because we all already know." Riko-Chan said as she put her arm around my shoulder

"Since when were you two going out?" Furihata-kun asked.

"Just now." I said with a smile.

Kagami got up from the ground, put his arm around my waist, pulled me towards him, and hissed at the other boys as if saying 'if you lay a hand on her your dead!' to them.

I laughed at his little immature act and kissed his cheek again causing the other guys to wilt.

Ding dong

"We should go back, class is starting." I stated and we all walked back to class.

~Time skip~

After school Kagami walked me home. Tet-nii had cleaning duty, so we left without him.

"What do you want to do, we could go get somethin to eat, go to the arcade, or go see a movie?" Kagami said as he intertwined his fingers with mine.

"I want to go see a movie." I said with a little excitement in my voice.

"Okay, the lets go!" Kagami said then started to run, pulling me along, to the movie theater.

We decided to see an action movie. I must've fallen asleep at some point because Kagami had to wake me up when the movie was over. After that he walked me home and before I went into my house, he gave me a goodbye kiss.


(sorry for the late/short chapter. tell me if you like it, and if you ? have any ideas I would love to hear it)

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