The Funeral

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(Sorry for the late chapter, hope you enjoy.)

Megumi P.O.V.

He didn't just say that? No it can't be true, but it was. Why would someone say that a family member died as a joke.

"Y-you're kidding, right?", I asked still hoping it was all a joke, all a stupid sick joke.

"I'm sorry, but it's true." when he said this my legs gave out and my knees hit the floor.

I started to cry harder than I have ever cried before. I didn't realize it, but Tet-nii was crying too. He bent down and held me tightly and cried quietly on my shoulder, I did the same except I was crying into his chest.

Nobody had the courage to say anything. They all just stayed as quite as possible. Never making a sound or moving an inch. This silence was broken by the teacher who told us our mother was dead.

"I'm going to need you two to come with me." he said as he walked up to us and held out his hand for us to take. I took his hand and he helped me up then I pulled Tet-nii off the floor.

We were both still crying as we followed the teacher out of the school and into a car that was waiting to take us to the airport where our father was waiting for us. I never thought a person could cry so much, but me and Tet-nii cried so much our eyes were dry when we got to the airport.

"Are you two okay, your eyes are all red and puffy." Our dad asked as we boarded the plane.

"We could say the same to you dad." Tet-nii and I said in unison.

"I know, your mother was over there for some business and she took your sister with her because she didn't want to be lonely. I loved her more than you two could ever imagine. Even with her being there most of the time we are, well... were still married." our dad explained this to Tet-nii for some reason even though he already knew.

"I know. And even though mom was never around, she would always make it for my birthday and Christmas and even if it wasn't much, it was still better than nothing." I said making sure they knew how important she was to me.

"Yeah, every year she would send us gifts for pur birthday and Christmas and every day she would send us an email telling us how much she missed and loved us and that she couldn't wait to come home." Tet-nii said with a slight smile on his face.

"I can see that you both loved your mother very much, I'm glad that even though she was busy she still made time for all of us." dad said as he looked down at his hands and a lone tear drifted down his face. "We should get some sleep, once we get off the plane were going to our hotel and changing then going to the funeral."

"Wait, we didn't pack any clothes." I stated a little worried.

"Don't worry, I packed for you two as soon as I had gotten the me news." he explained as he closed his eyes and started drifting off probably worn out for the days events. Me and Tet-nii followed suit and fell asleep while holding hands.

Once we got to the airport in America, we quickly went through and got our luggage before taking a taxi to our hotel.

"Wow, this hotel is huge!" Tet-nii exclaimed as we walked through the automatic doors.

"Yeah, America has bigger hotels than our city does." me and my dad said at the same time.

"Jinx you owe me a soda." my dad said before I could.

"Crap." I said and facepalm my self.

Dad signed us in and we went to our rooms . Dad got a suite so it had two bedrooms, one with a kind and one with two queen sized beds. Because I was the only girl, Dad and Tet-nii took the room with two bed and I got the king to myself. As soon as I entered the room I immediately started to get ready. When I opened my suitcase the first thing I noticed was a little red box with my name on it and a card next to it.

I read the card first and it said:

Dear Megumi,

My little girl, I asked your father to give this to you when I died and if your reading it it means I have died. I want you to know that I love you with all my heart my baby girl. I know this may have been sudden for you depending on the circumstances, but know that I will always be with you even when you most feel alone, know that I will be in the stars that shine at night, the leaves that blow in the wind, and, most importantly, the heart that beats in your chest. I love you Megumi, I am proud of the woman you've become.

with love from,

Your Mother.

I started to cry again. I opened the box and there was a diamond necklace of a heart with wings. The next thing I noticed was a lace black dress and sparkly black heals, so I changed into that and put the necklace on and a pair of earings then did my makeup, making sure to house my waterproof items. when I was done I went to my dad and brothers room and knocked on their door and my dad opened the door. He was wearing a black suit with his hair slicked back. My brother was behind him wearing a similar outfit with his hair brushed straight.

"Are you guys ready to go?" I asked and they nodded and then we left.

When we got to the graveyard, we parked, got out, and walked to the area where the funeral would be held. We were the first people to get there, so we took our seats and waited for people to arrive. When every one was seated, my dad got up and started his speech. After my dad, some of my mom's colleagues got up and gave speeches. There was so much crying going on. The only people who weren't crying was probably Tet-nii and my dad.

(Time Skip To After The Funeral)

After the funeral, we went back to our hotel and got changed. after we changed into something more comfortable, we went out to eat dinner.

"What do you guys want to eat?" my dad asked us. To be honest I wasn't that hungry and I could tell my brother wasn't either.

"How about we eat pizza. I know a great pizza place in this area; it was mom's favorite." I said and they both agreed.

  My father had a somber smile on his face when I had mentioned mom and by the new watch on his and Tet-nii's wrists I knew that she had also written them each a letter. We quietly walked down the street to the pizza place with me and Tet-nii holding hands and our dad following behind us closely. During dinner a we reflected o. Our memories or our mom and ate our pizza through laughter and tears. It was bittersweet to say the least. After dinner we went back to our hotel and hung out a little in the main room before deciding we were all exhausted and deciding to part ways to our rooms for some well deserved rest.

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