It's All Fun and Games...

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     It's been a week since I had the dream about Kagami, and they still haven't let it go. They've gone as far as acting Kagami's "proposal" out, which I'll admit is a little funny, but still deeply embarrassing. It was now close to the middle of lunch break and Koganei was, yet again,  making fun of me.

     ""Megumi-chan,"" Koganei started. ""will you do me the honor of marrying me?~"" he finished.

This has been the fourth time today-not this week, today- that someone had mocked my dream.

"Would you please stop already with the proposal thing, it's starting to give me a headache." Riko-san stated.

"Same here. " Kagami agreed as he came to hug me and wrapped his arms around me from the back.

"I'm sorry, it's just so funny!" Furihata exclaimed.

"Whatever..." I said as I gave up on trying to get them to stop. Instead I just leaned back into kagami and closed my eyes.

"Anyway, Megumi, are you going to the courts with us after school, since we don't have practice?" Riko-san asked.

     "No, sorry. I can't today. I....have something to do..." both me and Kagami blushed as I said this.

     "Ohhhhhhhhh, you better use protection~." Riko-san whispered into my ear.

      I swear I turned 50 shades of red after she said that.  "H-he's only taking me out on a date! W-w-we wouldn't do a-anything like that....yet...." I was turned ten shades darker, if possible, after I said this.

      "Riko-senpai, can you stop embarrassing my sister." Tet-nii said as he walked up to us.

     Everyone, even big bad Kagami, jumped. And you would think that after playing with him for so long, they would finally get used to it. Anyway, after that the bell for class rang, and we went, mostly, are separate ways to our classes. Soon classes ended and Kagami walked me home, so I could change, before going home himself to do the same. Tet-nii had decided to stop to get a milk shake before going home, which I internally, through our twin telepathy, thanked him for.

Me and Kagami decided to meet (I could really go for some meat right now) outside of the movie theater. "What movie are we gonna be seeing" I asked as I walked up to him and took his hand making him jump a literal three feet in the air.

"Holy shit, you scared me. Um...I was'd w-want to see this new r-r-r-romance movie with... with me...." He trailed off as he looked away blushing.

I smirked. "Ehhhh, what's this? I didn't peg the Kagami Taiga to be a romance type of guy~" I teased as we walked to the ticket booth where there was, thankfully, no line.

"Y-Yeah, well I am!" He retorted only half sounding confident.

"Fufufu~" I watched as he asked and paid for our tickets and soon we were inside the theatre after getting drinks and popcorn.

(Le Time Skip)

"T-that was such a great movie. Especially the part where the guy proposed to her." Kagami said dreamily as he continued to cry after the movie ended.

"Yes, one can only pray for a vow like that...." I said sarcastically in return as we walked towards the restaurant where we would be eating at.

"Hey, you can't tell me that you weren't the littlest bit touched when it happened!" He said after finally calming down.

"I'm more the zombie, I'm-gonna-eat-your-brains type of girl, so no, I didn't really find it touching, but the acting was great." I continued to hold his hand as we stopped to wait for a train passing. "I did however like the part where the mom thought they were having-" Kagami cut me off as an elderly couple stopped next to us.

"Okay let's change topics. So...where are we going again?" He looked around and started walking when the train had passed and I followed him.

"This new western fusion restaurant near the basketball courts. Supposedly it's really good." I looked down at my phone for a minute to make sure we were going the right way and soon we were at the restaurant and being seated.

"This place is fancy..." Kagami was looking everywhere as we were escorted to our seats where there was a glass of water, silverware (because it's a western type restaurant), and a menu were waiting for us.

"You can say that again..." I said, glancing down at the menu.

Soon a waiter came and took our drink order and after they came back with them, she took our food order. Me and Kagami talked about little things as we waited for our food, which didn't take long. It was delicious to say the least. Definitely not the same as in the States, but nonetheless delicious and different from your average Japanese cuisine.

All too soon we were done and heading back home. Kagami walked me to the gate outside my house where he kissed me a wished me a good night. He then proceeded to watch me as I opened my gate and then my door and went inside just to make sure I was safe before finally leaving. When I closed the door I leaned against it and let out a dreamy sigh as I recalled the events of the night. If anything it only made me fall for that Bakagami more. I quickly and silently made my way upstairs and to my room, as not to wake anyone, where I then proceeded to change into some pjs and climb into bed. It didn't take me long to fall asleep, and when I did it was blissfully with dreams of Kagami.

I am extremely sorry for the extremely late chapter (and probably short). I hope you guys are still reading this. I also hope that you guys can forgive me as I've had a major problem with motivation and writers block for a LONG time. Anyway, comment any ideas for the next chapter and vote. Thanks guys, I love you all!!!!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2019 ⏰

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