Sorry, got no WiFi

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this isn't an update, but please read it :(

I'm soooo sorry, but I can't update a story because I have no WiFi at home.

Kuroko: Then how did you update this?

Me: I'm at school right now and on the school WiFi.

Megumi: You shouldn't be doing that, you could get you phone took away.

Me: Be quiet, I created you, and I can get rid of you, keep that in mind.

Kise: (Shudder) Briecchi is being scary.

Me: Your supposed to be on my side Ki-Chan!! (Puff cheeks out in a pout)

Kise: Sorry Briecchi, please don't be mad at me!

Me: It's okay Ki-Chan. (Ruffles Kise's hair)

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