It's just a simple game

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   "Where are we going?" I asked Riko as we were walking to the train station.

   "It's a surprise." She answered.

   "I hate surprises." I pouted sarcastically; I actually love surprises.

   You see, Riko came over this morning and told me that she was going to take me somewhere. I really didn't want to go, but seeing as I was up and ready and had nothing else to do, I went.

   "Oh well, that's not my problem." my jaw dropped to the floor when she day this.

   "You're so mean Riko!" I whined again except this time it was a little more authentic.

   "Were here." she stopped in front of a tall white building.

   'Huh, I thought we were going to...never mind.' I thought to my self as I followed Riko into the mysterious building.

   "What is this place Riko?" I asked her as I stared in awe at the inside of the once mysterious white building.

   The inside looked like a five star hotel, but I knew it wasn't, there was definitely something fishy about this place. Riko walked further in without saying anything back to answer me. She led us to a set of doors and stopped.

   "Once you step through this door you will be face with a parade of challenges, but I want you to remember: it's just a simple game." She said before opening one of the doors and stepping out of the way so I could see. 

   There were a bunch of gymnastic looking thinks and obstacle courses set up; it was amazing to say the least. 

  "How...What is...Huh?" I was so shocked that I couldn't even say what I wanted to.

   "You better hurry up and finish the obstacle course because there is something, or rather someone waiting for you at the end." She mumbled the part in the middle so quietly that I barely heard/understood what she said. 

   "That's do this." I quickly rolled up my sleeves and pants and started.

   About one quarter of the way through I started mentally cursing at Riko, but luckily for me there was a place where I could take a quick water break at the halfway mark. When I finally finished, thank god, Kagami was standing there in a white suit, a light blush on his face, roses, and a glass of what looked like ice water.

   "Simple my ass..." I mumbled to myself as I walked towards Kagami and plopped down on the bench he was standing next to.

   "Here drink this," He said as he handed me the glass of cold water and sat next to me on the bench. "Did you have fun?" he asks with hopeful water once I finish the water.

   "You set this up?" I asked mesmerized by the fact that he would do such a thing

   "Do you like it?" He sheepishly smiled while scratching the back of his head with his now free hand.

   "Yeah..." I trailed off as I leaned into him and smiled/sighed in content.

   "I'm glad." he said after he had gotten over his flustered-panic attack.

    "Do you wanna go get something to eat, I know this great restaurant, but you need to change and probably take a shower first." He handed me a bag and then a hotel assistant lead me to a room where I could take a shower and change, which I did quickly.

   "What's with this outfit, Kagami?" I asked as I walked back to where we were before only to see that it was all cleaned up.

   Kagami just stood there starring at me in amazement. I walked up to him and waved my hands in front of him and he snapped out of his trance. 

   "Are you okay?"  I asked him as we started towards the elevator.

   "Sorry, I was just shocked at how beautiful you look. Oh, and these are for you." He said before handing me the roses.

   "I don't know whether to take that as a complement or what." I said as i giggled a bit. I never giggle.

   "It's a compliment." he said as he smiled down at me. Now I feel short.

   Anyway once the elevator stopped he lead me to a majestic, don't judge me, looking restaurant. It was beautiful with deep red walls and black tile floors which made the room look dimly lit. Above each table there was a hanging light which made it easy to read the menu. A waitress quickly took us to a table and took our orders. About ten minutes of me and Kagami talking about random things later, the waitress came back with our food. It wasn't until Kagami got down on one knee in front of me when I knew why he had brought me here.

   "Megumi, will you do me the favor of marrying me and being mine for the rest of your life?" He asked after pulling a red velvet box from his pocket and opening it to show a silver ring with a heart shaped diamond in the middle with smaller diamonds surrounding it and going off to the side.



   "AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!" I screamed as I shot up and bed and clutched my shirt. "Wait a sec, huh?" I asked my self confusedly.

   "Are you okay?!" My brother asked with a worried tone as he threw open my door.

  "Yeah I just had a really weird dream." He nodded and exited so he could get ready for our match with Kajio.

   "Yeah, weird..."I pushed the thought to the back of my head as I got up and started getting ready for the match  also.


Hello, sorry for the late update, but hope you like.

Comment on it or what you think should happen.

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Love ya <3~ Bye for now my bishies.

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