First School Day

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(P.S. this chapter has been edited)

  The weekend went by faster than I thought it would and now its my first day at Seirin High. As luck would have it, I just so happened to end up in the same classes as Kagami and Tet-nii. But before we get into what happened at school, let me tell you how my morning went.

  I ended up getting up late because Tet-nii forgot to wake me up, so I was, in turn, also late for school, well almost late. I had to run as fast as I could to get to school on time. Even though I don't really get tired after running, I still don't like to run. I got to the class room right after the teacher and actually ended up scaring her because she didn't notice me. Once I explained why I was there she told me to wait at the door for her to signal that it was alright to come in. Once she explained to the class there was going to be a new student, she waved for me to come in.

With my school bag in my hands, I walked to the front of the room, turned to the class, and introduced myself. "Hello, I'm Kuroko Megumi." I said, looking around the room until I spotted Tet-nii and Kagami in the back right corner of the room.

  "Why don't you tell us a little about yourself, Megumi." the teacher said this and then looked back at the class.

  When I followed where her gaze had gone, I noticed that almost everyone's eyes were on me. "Well... I love to play basketball, I was the Ace on my team in America. I have an identical twin brother in this class. My basketball rival is also in this class, although I don't know if you'd call him much of a rival if he hasn't ever beaten or come close to beating me." I said in my usual monotone voice. When I said my last sentence, Kagami got mad and pushed himself up from his desk, his chair falling behind him.

  "Well excuse me if I'm not as good as you, we can't all be basketball prodigies." He said in a angry tone while crossing his arms.

  "Wait who's you twin?" one of the boys with light brown hair spoke.

  "Kuroko Tetsuya." I said as I pointed towards the back at Kuroko.

Everyone quickly turned their heads to look at who I was pointing to. I heard constant whispers like 'Was he in our class this whole time?' and 'I didn't even notice he was in our class.' telling me that almost all of them never even noticed him in the first place. Tet-nii just sat there reading his manga not realizing that anyone was looking at him. When he finally did realize that everyone was starting at him he looked up from his book.

  "Is something wrong?" He said as he looked around. His eyes lit up when he spotted me. "Onee-chan." he said as closed his book and then waved at me.

  "Kuroko-kun, can you come up here for a second?" the teacher asked waving him forward. He nodded his head and silently made his way up front and stood next to me.

  "For the record I'm a lot stronger than Kagami, so if you try to mess with me or my brother it will not end greatly for you." I said with a warm, yet creepy, smile on my face.

  I could tell at that point everyone thought I was scary. Two people looked at Kagami, who had sat down by this point, to make sure I wasn't lying.

  "It's true. The other day we were playing a game of one-on-one and she broke the steel hoop off of the glass back board, and said she didn't even realize it because it was light to her. Even I could barely pick it up and she was swinging it around like a bag or groceries without breaking a sweat." Kagami explained with an eye roll and everyone was staring at me in shock.

  "And I didn't even take off any of my weights. Not like I ever take them off anyway, not even when I play against the 'Generation of Miracles'." Everyone looked at me in shock.

  "Y-you've played against the GoMs?" one of the guys asked me.

  "Me and Tet-nii were friends with them because we were both one. We were known as the phantom players of the GoM." I explained and everyone was speachless.

  "S-seriously?" one of the girls managed to mutter.

  "Really, and if you want proof I have all their phone numbers." at this all the girls squealed.

  "Does that mean you have Kise's phone number?" two girls asked.

  "I got rid of his number when he wouldn't stop asking me out on dates." at this all of the girls gave me death glares. "Tet-nii might have it though." I looked over at my brother and he already had his phone out. He took a piece of chalk and wrote Kise's number on the board. All of the girls immediately took out their phones and started to program his number in.

  "We still need proof that you guys were on the basketball team, we can't just take your word for it." the teacher said not even caring that we were thirty minutes into class time.

  I took out my phone and immediately typed in Akashi's number to video call him knowing he would pick up for me.

  "Yes Megumi?" he asked. It was obvious that he was in no way annoyed.

  "Tell my class that me and Tet-nii were the two phantom playesrs in the GoMs? They don't believe me." Everyone looked at me like I was crazy as I turned my phone around to reveal none other than Akashi himself.

  He sighed, "You were the strongest player on the whole basketball team. Tetsuya was the one who excelled in his passing. Oh, and yes both of you were players in GoM. Can I hang up now, I have to get back to class." He sounded as if he were kinda sad that he hand to go

  "Sure, bye." I hung up and looked towards the shocked teacher. " You do realize we only have about 45 minutes left of class, right?" When i said this she snapped  out of the shocked state that she was in and looked at the clock at the back of the room.

  "Oh, your right. Well who cares, we were only going to do a couple of easy work sheets today." She said. "Tell us more about your self."

  "Um....let's see. Oh, I know. I lived in America for two years and just moved back three days ago. I'm smarter than Akashi-" I got cut off when the door burst open.

  It was Kise. "Okay which one of you twins gave my number out?" he said as he walked up to me and my brother.

  I pointed at Tet-nii and he pointed at me. "Tet-nii is the only one of us who has your number. I got rid of it because you were being annoying." I said effortlessly.

  "Hurtful-ssu!" Kise said as he anime cried.

  "But Onee-chan was the one who told me to give it out for proof." Tet-nii said. Kise looked at me and I just shrugged my shoulders emotionlessly.

  "Please don't do it again-ssu." He said as he sweat dropped.

  "No promises." me and Tet-nii said in the monotone voice we usually have.

  We didn't notice everyone was staring at us until a girl spoke up making us look towards her. "U-um... What is The Kise Rouyta doing here?" she asked trying to hide the blush on her face.

  "Well, this is the second time this has happened to me and the first time it was these twins, so I thought it might have been them again-ssu!" Kise said in his usual cheerful voice.

  "What about school Kise?" Tet-nii asked

  Kise was about to answer when the door burst open again causing Kise to jump again. "Are the Kuroko twins here?" Me and Tet-nii raised our hands.

  "Yes, what seems to be the problem?" the teacher asked as they came to stand next to us.

  "It's about your mother, she got into a car accident in America and- I'm sorry, I don't know how to say this, she didn't make it."He said with sorrow in his voice as he looked at the ground.

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