Clash With Lightning Snakes And Clay UN!!!

140 6 2

~November, 2013~

Thank you to all the support I've been getting on Wattpad.

I'm surprised I've been able to make it so far since I've been so busy lately.
I'm really happy at all the votes and reads I've gotten so far. I'm not very satisfied with my number of followers, but I'm sure I'll gain more.

So this is dedicated to my fans, my followers, and my haters.
Also Deidara.

Ain't nobody dope as you, buddy.



Kaminari pov

After the talk with Sasuke, we had headed to this "resource place" he had mentioned.

I wrinkled my nose at the damp smell of the large city with huge skyscrapers.

We headed into a tunnel in front of us, and started walking down the winding hallway.

"Didn't expect us to have a resource shop in such a dumpy place." Suigetsu said.

"This has nothing to do with Orochimaru." Sasuke said. "It's an old place my clan used to use."

"What an irritating place." Karin complained. "It's stifling."

"You're welcome to leave." Said a voice.

Ying and Yang hissed in amusement, looking behind me.

I turned around like the rest had done.

"Huh?" Karin said.

There were two cats with clothes on. One looked like a big softie, and the other looked fierce even though it looked pretty cute.

"Sssssuch rudenesssss to sssssuch a ssssstrong ninja." Yang laughed.

"Yesssss." Ying said in agreement. "I wouldn't expect a little tiny cat to talk to Sssssasuke that way..."

"Cool, a talking cat." Suigetsu bent down. "C'mere boy."

"HISS!" Spat the fierce one.

Suigetsu stumbled back, shocked.

"They're ninja cats, doofus. They'll rip you to shreds." I laughed.

The two cats looked at me.

"Why, is that Kaminari Doragon?" The soft one said.

The fierce cat looked at me. "I smell the power of the Doragon Clan on her, but a different smell as well..."

There was an awkward silence.

"We need you to take us to Granny Cat." Sasuke said. "We need resources on weapons, medicines, and tools for the road."

I choked. "Granny Cat?"

"You brought gifts, mew?" The softie purred.

Sasuke tossed a bottle at them. "Here. It's a bottle of Catnip."

The softie jumped up and caught it in its mouth.

"Come." The fierce one said, walking down the hall. "Granny Cat will want to see you."

For some odd reason, I guess I wanted to be more comfortable around the cats, so I turned into one.

I walked up to Sasuke, and climbed onto his shoulder.

"Carry me." I meowed.

Karin huffed.

Oh yeah, she was still jealous.

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