Chapter 6: Debut

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Chapter 6


The room was truly beautiful. Not to my normal taste. There were no plant, no window, no bright floral colors. It was the stunning beauty of a winter. The floor and columns were made of white marble. Each column had a dark crimson wrapped around it. The  black marble ceiling reminded me of how dark the sky outside must be.  The room was full of beautiful beings. I could tell it was a solstice, because one would never be able to get a species into the same room on a normal day without a war breaking out. Im not joking though I think that last time  shift and a vampire were in the same room other than at an event like this was during the Kili War, and that was only because they were  both fighting the Fey kings of the Unseelie courts.

Strange isnt it? Luke observed coming to stand only a step behind me.

I suppose for us it would seem like it, but there was time when  we all beings were able to exist in harmony.

Please tell me this isnt about to turn into one  of those religion lessons my grandmother used to tell me. Even without turning around I knew he was grimacing.

No it wasnt, I chuckled. Thanks for stopping me though. Tonights a night for fun not history lesson. Now I think we should let the herold introduce us before the cue starts to build. I nodded to the tall footman standing to my right; who had been waiting for our conversation to end before announcing us. He cleared his throat.

Princess Levena of Michanica and her escort Lucas. As we descended the marble stairs I gripped Lucass arm tighter. This was my debut as King Cedrics daughter, at least in the Fey world. My business had brought me into contact with several of the other species here. A majority of the higher end of my clientele was here. Unfortunately this meant I would most likely have to deal with some business tonight as well as pleasure.

Relax Angel tonight is all about things coming to an end and rebirth. Tonight the shadow cast by both Rajak and your father will be lifted, and you can become Angel. Luke comforted me reminding me of one of the reason why I asked him to come with me.

Why does it seem so simple when you say it like that? I wondered.

Because deep down you know Im right. I glanced up at him. The look in his eyes was the same one he had given me the first time we saw each other. You kn--

No, Luke not here. This room has eyes and the walls have ears. Remember tonight may only be to have some fun and celebrate,but I would rather not make an enemy of Lil.

I know you feel that way, but I couldnt resist. He smiled guiltily. It was the difference between werewolves and shifters. While shifters shifters bound to their soulmates whether or not they actually loved each other; weres, actually any other being, only felt a slight pull. Their soulmates complimented them perfectly, but there was no force forcing them to be together. Luke happened to be one of the rare ones that found his mate, but didnt want to let it affect his life. Lilly on the other hand had waited her entire life to fall in love, but unfortunately fate hadnt granted her a willing partner. It wasnt that Lucas hated her, in fact their attraction was mutual. The problem was me. Luke and I had had a thing before Lil came into the picture, and he wasnt willing to let it go even though we both knew by now it wouldnt work out.

The whispers worsened when we reached the bottom of the stairs. Now people could see clearly who King Cedrics long lost daughter had decided to have accompany her at her first official debub. The fact that I had not attended with my so-called fiance was probably the cause of the dismay, but I really didnt care.

Do you want to dance or people watch? Luke asked.

Lets sit first. We walked to the edge of the room. If we had been attending a Seelie court function I knew that we would be near a balcony. At an Unseelie court though I wasnt sure to expect to be outside those curtains. After sitting for a few minutes I decided it was probably time for me to make my rounds both around the ballroom and on the dancefloor. I started with my regular customers, because courtesy dictated that I greeted them soon.

Hello, Angel dear, Phoenix greeted me kissing me on both cheeks.

Hello Phoenix, I nodded in recognition to her companion.

So how are you doing? Is the business going well? I was hoping to see you tonight. Im planning a dinner party for the new year, but my guest list is a bit more diverse this year than it has been before. I was struggling to find a way to comply with all their tastes.

Send the list to Lillian in the morning and I will put the menu together personally. Also I do have my original servers back if you are in need of some help hosting. I offered, so much for a night of fun.

It is so nice to see you back in business. Though I did expect you to take more time reestablishing relationships before making your public debut. I could tell by the calculating look in her eye that she was fishing for new information.

What better way is there to establish relationship, and hunt for business than at a party? Especially when the group catering said function happens to be the business you are promoting. I knew that would do the trick. I checked over my shoulder to see Lucas coming to me with a glass of honey water. Now if you will excuse me, I believe my companion has our drinks.

Of course dear, She smiled sweetly. I nodded before taking my leave. At least I had the advertising part of the night done now.

Was that who I think it was? Luke asked when he handed me my drink.

Yes, Lady Phoenix of Kuroi yama aka The Black Dawn, she is responsible for more assassinations than suspected. Most dont know she personally dealt the fatal blow to a noble not that long ago.

You mean?

Yes, but seeing as those in power either dont care or profited from the death she will not pay for that particular favor. I didnt mind it though if anyone suffered at Phoenixs hand it was due to a serious judgement issue. In this case they crossed the wrong person, or perhaps I should say children.

Enough, how  about something cheerful. It is a celebration isnt it? He gave me a mock bow as he gestured to the dance floor. I smiled and took his offered hand. It was times like this I really appreciated Arnold and Annas old fashioned approach to raising a Fey princess. Despite the lack of freedom or being taught particular things like balancing a bank account I had been taught almost every imaginable formal dance.

We danced around the floor both letting go of our troubles and let the music sweep us away as we clung to each other, only separating when the dance called for it. It had been a long time since I had let go like this in this world. Even when I was with Mark or James I was worried about someone popping up and blowing my cover, but here I was already out in the open so there was nothing left to fear really or so I thought.

May I cut in?

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