Chapter 8: Announcements

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Chapter 8


We walked back into the ballroom still holding hands. The ball was still busy, but the moment would soon be here to end the ball. As tradition when midnight came and the solstice ended the host of the next would come forward. Since the summer solstice celebrated all things coming to fulfillment it was traditional for the Charmers to host it in whatever place they call there home. For the past two hundred years it had shifted farther west, occasionally jumping to to east for a year before it once again went west. Now we had reached to edge. At this solstice the People as a whole would reach the fulfillment we had strived towards for two hundred. Our entrance had gone unnoticed by the majority of the guest because Waylan had just taken his position on a raised dais to make his closing speech. I dropped Rajak’s hand to move to stand behind Waylan, but he didn’t let go instead he pulled me back to him. His lips were as gentle as the first time. It was just a brief brush of lips. Than he whispered in my ear:

“Please,” that one word held so much meaning I wavered for a split second. I took a step forward this time he let me go. I moved to Waylan side easily. It felt so natural to stand there. He didn’t acknowledge my arrival, but I did notice that his shoulders relax slightly.

“My treasured guest,” He began with an air of confidence that rivaled his age. “Thank you for honoring tonight with your presence. It was an honor to be able to host such an important event. In fact I consider such an opportunity as an auspicious start to my reign of the Unseelie courts. Though many of you already know this it is my duty to announce that as of yesterday evening the wake of late Queen Irene I have become the ruler of the Unseelie courts. I hope that you all will rejoin me for my coronation. Now to introduce your hostess to be for the summer, Princess Levena.” He gave me  slight nod signaling it was time for me to speak. I took one more deep breath then moved forward. It was just like being on stage, only instead of singing I was speaking.

“My fellow guest thank you for your patience. I know this speech has come almost three years later than you had expected, but I hope you will not be disappointed. It has been thirteen years since my father sat on the throne of Michanica. Tonight my debut into society has caused an unnecessary stir. My brother as faithfully kept that throne for thirteen year, and despite a few vicious rumors there has never been a thought of taking that spot from him.” My eyes flashed to the corner of the room before I let my gaze drift over the audience again. “Why is this relevant? Many of you do know that I am King Cedric’s daughter from his last marriage, and that my mother was still queen when he died. What many of you did not know is that my brother’s mother was also married to the king. Countess Ai from the White Mountains refused to be acknowledged in court, but the fact she was married to King Cedric first makes King Driskill the legitimate heir to the throne, and any person who challenges that must face me. This however is not a night of darkness. You have welcomed me tonight as Princess Levena of Michanica usurped orphan, but I ask you to re-welcome me as Princess Levena Angel Huring of Michanica and the betrothed of Prince Rajak De Luca.

“Tonight we have welcomed the spirit child of winter. It is my hope that when it reaches its height at the summer solstice you will join me. It is also my hope that all of you will not only celebrate the spirits growth, but the growth of myself. Therefore I hope you will all join me at sunset for my wedding on that day.” This time I let my eyes linger on one face particular. Unlike many of those facing me it did not hold shock or excitement over this news. When our eyes met those blue eye were as cold as ice, and if looks could kill. My sister would no longer have to worry about a wedding. Unfortunately for her though this look couldn’t kill. Which is how I knew the rage that filled her eyes would be unleashed on me the first chance she had. “Please join me now in thanking our wonderful host.” I exited the dais while the others clapped. I could still feel Heather’s eyes on me, but right now she wasn’t my main concern.

“So you’re actually going through with this?” There he was, Luke, standing next to the table he had dropped me off at earlier. He had put on his well trained mask that hide his emotions from the world. I could see past it though. At first this mask would have fooled me, but our relationship combined with my natural affiliation with wolves made it almost impossible to fool me. I could tell he was angry. Despite being happy with Lillian he still nursed a soft spot for me. I loved Luke. He was the one who had rescued me from myself when I had run away two years ago. He had protected me from the dangers any fifteen year old on the street would face. He had even managed to heal my broken heart.

Unfortunately it leaked out where I was, and Lucas was caught in the crosshairs. Nate tracked me down like always only this time he wasn’t alone. Rajak hadn’t been pleased when he discovered I had found someone else. Lucas had paid the price for it though. Rajak had done everything in his power to destroy what life Luke had. Than he did something I considered unforgivable. He gave him a  new one. A new life that consisted of being a guard dog for the organization. When I can face to face with him a few months later I had barely recognized him as the sweet guy that a had helped in my flight.

Now that change was perfectly clear. If I hadn’t known that Luke would never hurt me the murderous look in his eyes would have been terrifying. I knew he was made at the situation rather than at me.

“Yes Luke, I’m really going to marry him.” I answered.

“Why? We both know what he’s capable of. He can’t make you happy, not really. Even if he tries to change he will always put his wants before you’re own needs.”

“It’s called fulfilling a purpose. I’ve been running away from my responsibility for too long. Please don’t hate me. I have to go through with this for everyone’s sake, but I don’t think I could stomach having you hate me.” I pleaded with him to make him understand. I saw the resolution form in his eyes before he gave his nod of consent. “Thank you! Now I need to take care of one more thing, than I think we can leave.”

I moved through the crowd. As I passed I received congratulations and well wishes for the upcoming wedding. It had been a long time since any of the royals married. This would be the first marriage to unite the ancient houses since my parent’s. My favorite response came from Lady Phoenix who told me her wedding gift was going to be providing her favorite caterer for the wedding. When I reminded her I was her favorite caterer that she said that in that case I would have a very busy day indeed. Finally I reached the edge of the room.

“I bet you just loved that,” An icy voice came from the shadows. I turned to face the voice.

“Is that anyways to congratulate a person?” I questioned sweetly.

“Oh I’m sorry. Congratulation little sister.” Heather replied just as sweetly stepping out of the shadows.

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