Chapter 10: Reprecossion

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Chapter 10


I was up early again the next morning. I had phone calls to make, deals to close, prices to negotiate, and more importantly a wedding to plan. The kitchen was already full of the scent of breakfast by the time the first person woke up. I don’t know why it shocked me that Lil was up so early. She sat down on the counter and stole the bowl of fruit I had been cutting up.

“Hey you, that was for everyone,” I scolded not really caring. I had already began pulling more fruit from the fridge. “How was last night? Did you do anything crazy?” Lil just rolled her eyes at me.

“Let’s see. I went to the bonfire with Rose. We helped some of the little ones create wreaths and then made some ourselves to burn.” I knew what her wreath had contain, and that thought was confirmed by her next question. “So um how did last night go?”

“It went well. Luke acted like a complete gentleman. Thank you for loaning him to me. By the way I have something for you.” I reached into my pocket, and pulled out the white envelope, and handed it to her. I turned my back not wanting to see her expression.

“What’s this suppose to be?” Lil asked as she showed me the small silver key.

“It’s a key to your new cottage.” I explained not turning around. Her intake of breath was painful to hear.

“You’re kicking me out?” She questioned shocked.

“No, no yes. You and Luke need to leave this house, and waiting won’t make it any easier.” I told her still refusing to turn around.

“What happened last night? Why are you sending us away?” She sounded absolutely heartbroken of course this had to be the moment Rose decided to come storming into the room.

“You did it! You didn’t even tell me first. I’m suppose to be your best friend!” She was fuming. I half expected her hair to catch on fire.

“Rose calm down remember my house is wood.” I reminded her.

“I am calm!” She yelled and the bunch of flowers on the counter burst into flames.

“I can tell you’re about as tranquil as a swarm of angry bees.” Lil giggled then remembered what Rose had just interupted.

“Why’s she angry? Are you banishing her by any chance too?” This was the first time I had seen Lil lose her temper, and it was not pleasant. Rose looked between us shocked.


“I went to the kitchen this morning and she hands me this!” Lil seethed as she held up the silver key small vines had begun to sprout from her figures.  “Apparently it’s the key to the cottage I’m to live in.”

“You can’t do that!” Rose rounded on me. The flower I had just finished putting out burst into flames again. If the two of them didn’t calm down this little sanctuary that was my kitchen would be destroyed.

“Enough! Both of you sit down and get a handle on your emotions. You too mistress reign in that tongue of yours before you decide on what to say to you friends.” Nate had enter the room unnoticed by the three of us. He glanced at my face and sighed.“All of you sit while I explain last nights events. How the princess is now the next words out of her mouth are as likely to be a curse as an actual explanation.” I went and sat at the remaining seat at the counter between the two. If anyone besides Nate had told me to sit down between to seriously pissed off chick I would have called them crazy, but not had an air about him that you’d have to be more insane than a pixie on kinloo to mess with.

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