Family Bonds

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  • Dedicated to Willette Fields

Chapter 6

Family Bonds


            Hope was waiting when we got down stairs she was in the kitchen shuffling about, but I had a feeling that she had just gotten in there. I dont know why I had that feeling; I was sure James shared it there.  I sniffed the air and immediately recognized the scent, spaghetti.  The same dish Angel had made the first day she arrived. I glanced back at James wondering if he was having the same sense of déjà vu   as me. When the door to the kitchen opened up half expected it to be Angel walking in instead it was just Hope.

            Dinner will be ready soon. I just have get the bread out of the oven. She told us. At that moment a knock came on the door, every person in the room stiffened. I think all our minds went to the same place, and it was that fact that held both James and me in place. It was Hope who cautiously crossed over from the kitchen door to the entry way to open the door. The tension in her shoulders lessened, but her back seemed to stiffen again upon a second glace.

            Standing in our door way was a tall man, taller even then Jamess 62. He had blond hair green eyes, and I instantly disliked. It was such a powerful emotion one I hadnt felt since I had met Angels guardian the night she left. I glanced sideways to see how James felt about the stranger. He wasnt happy but he hide it well.

            Umm are you looking for someone?

            Yes, actually is this the residence of James Hurling? The man questioned.

            Is there something I can help you with? James asked politely moving to stand behind Hope. To most people this would be considered intimidating, but not to this guy. He didnt even seem fazed by the waves of hostility emanating from James.

            Does the name Angel Hurling mean anything to you?  He inquired. It was clear he knew the answer.

            Why dont he walks in I notice you come in. Hope suggested moving back to let him enter. As he walks in I notice behind him for the first time a little girl around the age of nine. I glanced at Hope. She was frowning at the small form, but didnt ask any questions. The man followed James into the living room and took a set on the sofa leaving the rest of us with to make do with the two armchairs. It made it easy that both Hope and the child both stood behind either James or the new coming. Leaving the remaining seat to me. It was set apart from the rest of the seating, more like a reading chair than anything else.

            So, James started. What do you have to do with Angel?

            Yes, let me introduce myself properly. I am Driskil of Michanica Angels brother. He said calmly. I was happy not to be part of this conversation, because I didnt trust my ability to speak at this point. The heckles were up on James back, and I knew something was off.

            Angels brother? James repeated.

            Her half-brother. We share the same father, but half different mothers. She is a product of our fathers second marriage. Explained Driskil his voice emotionless. Now it made more sense that their appearances were so different. It was obvious that Angels black blue hair was dyed, but her skin was darker and she was much smaller than this tall pale man. In fact she looked more like James then this Driskil.

            Fine then what brings you hear. Angel moved out a few months back. James told him.

            Oh I know. Angels returned home Im here to escort Alex. Since shes unable travel alone in human invested places. Now set James off. His mother was human after all. Alex lets get this done. Im meeting with Franklin later tonight, and Im not leaving you here. The little girl jumped at suddenly being put in the spotlight. The girl, Alex, cleared her throat.

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