Chapter 7- grand magic games part 2- the first day

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Hey just a quick thing! The games are going to be in third person! Unless it's sad or special moments obviously!!

-third person-

"Hello everyone and welcome to the first day of the grand magic games! This year it's going to be different since it's a different year!! We are going to do individual fights! First up its alyia from talented dragons vs Wendy from Fairytail! Please go down to the arena!"

Everyone gasped! They couldn't believe that alyia was an exceed!!! Wendy felt bad for the cat and was thinking of how much fun she and Carla would have together! Alyia was just standing nibbling on a fish, not bothered that she was going to be fighting a dragon slayer!

"Let the fight BEGIN!!!"

Alyia finished her fish and looked at Wendy.

"I'm sorry alyia!"
"It's fine I don't care"
"But your an exceed so you can get hurt!"
"Oh well.... Let's make a bet!?"
"Oh ok then!"
"Ok if I win you have to announce that I'm the best exceed ever and let me meet Carla!!"

Alyia pointed at Wendy as she said it loud enough for Carla to hear, Carla didn't take any notice as she wondered why Wendy wasn't attacking.

"Oh umm well if I win then........ You have to say Carla is the best and hang out with Carla!!"

Wendy got ready while alyia stood there casually.

"Cuteness attack!"
"Sky dra--- so cute!!"

As Wendy had been in the middle of a spell everyone gasped!! Alyia knew that everyone though she was adorable when she did her cute act. Then alyia took out a jar of pickle onions, Wendy's weakness!!! She stuck on in her mouth.

"So sour"
"No! Not them!!"
"Yummy sourness! Pickled pickled!!"

Alyia kept being cute making it hard for Wendy!!

"No I can't... Eek cute!!!!!"
"Uno Ono amp aloa!!!!!"

After alyia said those words, which was in a unknown language (talented dragons know) they meant, magic against magic force against force. It may sound strange but it was a powerful spell!! Wind gathered around Wendy, the wind was strong, stronger than any storm. Wendy started getting cut by the wind, deep long wounds that hurt so much Wendy had to force herself not to cry.

"Ani jei anga"
((Now spin and tear))

The wind spun fast like a tornado but you could see what was happening to her. She was nearly torn to shreds basically, luckily alyia was being gentle on her so she wouldn't die. Wendy fell on the floor too weak to heal herself and too weak to even stand up!

"Well ladies and gentlemen...... After that battle alyia has won 5 points for her team..... With the title 'WORLDS STRONGEST EXCEED!' So be happy talented dragons!"

Alyia did feel sorry for the poor girl so while Mato was talking alyia had healed what she could which was the worst of the cuts.

"What's this?! Alyia is helping the enemy?! Seems even though alyia did that with no emotion she really has a kind heart!!"
"Sorry Wendy about that, I had to win for my family"
"It's ok I understand well here it goes.... ALYIA IS THE BEST EXCEED EVER!!"
"You didn't need to but thank you!"

Alyia smiled and walked up to Lucy and Sinead. They high fived each other.

"Well done Alyia!! We are so proud especially me!"
"Go away lector I do not care for your flirting"
"Aw but I really love you!!"
"Cuteness attack"

Alyia just to get lector away used a cuteness attack making him faint, she waved at Carla who turned away.

"Well now we have Rufus Lore from sabertooth vs ichiya from blue Pegasus! Please go to the arena!"

Rufus and Ichiya went to the arena.

"So since alyia and Wendy made a bet we should to,"
"Yes we shall since we are.. Mennnnnnnn"
"Um yes so if I win you have to give up saying men for the rest if the games"
"Meeeeen!?! Ok then but if I win then you have to say meeeeeeen as much as possible for the rest of the games"
"Ok then, but I am a part of sabertooth! So I will win"

Rufus sighed as Ichiya Drank a strange luminous pink drink then in a puff of smoke Ichiya had totally transformed! He now had abs and looked strong!!

"Tch ...... Memory make: karma of the burning land"

As rufus touched the ground elegantly, the ground turned to being hot and flames from lava in the ground burned Ichiya. The flames were so hot that his potion wore off making him normal doing more damage. After the spell wore off, Rufus was standing elegantly while Ichiya lying on the ground burnt and unconscious.

"He is strong isn't he."
"Yeah but we are better"
"I know.. We still need to know who to watch out for though "

Lucy was talking with her group as she analysed that spell he used. She had used it before and knew that it could be powerful. They all grinned as they saw Rufus smile st the crowd.

"Well that was a quick battle!! Rufus Lore won against Ichiya Vandalay Kotobuke! Five points to the sabers! Well let's get to the next match shall we?"

(Sorry I'm so lazy!! It's late and I cat remember everyone so I'm just going to list who won from which battles and that stuff lol)

-time skip end of battles-

"Well that's all for today! So that points are:
Talented dragons - 5pts
Sabertooth - 5pts
Mermaid heel - 5pts
Fairytail - 0pts
Blue Pegasus- 0pts
Lamia scale -0pts !!
Hope you all enjoyed today's games! Have fun and remember to be here at eight o clock for more!!"

Everyone left to go to there rooms for the night. Everyone was tired and couldn't wait to get a shower or soak in a bubble bath then go to bed and sleep till seven!!!

Hey guys! How have you been enjoying so far? I'm so sorry about the battles! I'm not good at battle scenes since I'm 13 and 14 in 17 days!! So please don't dis  me !!! Keep reading my books all my stars!!
Love from your queen star!
Lucyloveanime ~~

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