Chapter 8- grand magic games part 3- sting's dreams of the past

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-stings PoV-

After the grand magic games we all had a bath and I'm not meaning all together I mean we all had a bath in different rooms. I chuckled as I remember the fun we used to have playing around the house laughing our heads off. I miss they days... I put a pair of joggies on and lie in my bed. I drifted off to sleep.
(Italics= dream)

-stings dream-

"E-Excuse me! Could you show me the way to the market? I was on my way when I got lost!"

A girl about the same age as me with beautiful golden long hair with black tips and the most gorgeous eyes. One eye black but the other was Amber. I stared into her eyes surprises at how this girl was shy, I mean she was so beautiful that anyone could like her! Her voice was soft and cute like a child's.

"What market...? Oh you mean the magnolia market!?"
"I was on my way there so let's go together!"

I blushed as I tried to not sound weird. I'm 7 and I'm trying to get a girl to like me!! I'm crazy! Girls are meant to be weak and disgusting but yet I'm feeling strong main from her and she isn't disgusting.

"O-ok! A-arigatou!! My name is Lucy!"
"No need and I'm sting!"

I proudly smiled at her as we walked. Her Amber eye turned green which confused me.

"What happened to your eye?"
"What do you mean?"
"One eye was black, the other Amber and now the Amber eye has turned green!"
"Because I'm happy! My left eye shows my emotion while my black eye stays like that unless I use magic!"
"What kinda magic?"
"Well every magic, I'm known as the talent fairy since I'm apart of Fairytail! But my original name is talent wizard! Others who hate me and who have fought me calls me death walk or just death!"

She smiled and talked like it was no big deal! SHE IS THE FAMOUS TALENT WIZARD!!!!!!! My eyes widen and I become nervous. I expected her to be an adult at least but she is a 7 year old kid?

"Please don't be afraid stingy!"
"S-stingy!?! Where did you get that name from?"
"Well your cute so I choose a cute name for you!"
"I'm not cute!"
"You are!"
"I'm not!"

We kept arguing about me being cute or not and then we arrived at the market.

"What's your number?"
"You have a phone?"
"Pass it over!"
"Oh um ok then!!"

She passed me a black phone. Wow! It's the fancy one! I put my number into her phone and she put hers into my cheap white phone.

"So I guess we are friends stingy?"
"Hey! Lucy! Don't flirt with random guys!"
"Who the heck are you?!"
"I'm shady! Lucy's best friend!"
"Well I'm her best friend now so buzz off!"
"Stingyyyyyy don't be mean to shady!"
"Sorry lulu!!"
"Don't call me lulu!!"
"Aw but luuuuuluuuuu"
"Stop it stingy!!!"
"Ok I gotta go bye!"

I quickly kiss her cheek and run, I wave blushing and see her blushing too~

-dream ended-


I wake up and I'm not in my room....... FUCK!!!! While dreaming about her I must've slept walk into her room because I'm lying with Lucy in my arms. She is snuggled into my chest,smiling softly. My arms are wrapped around her body, our legs touching. I smile and softly kiss her.. On the lips. She murmurs my name and keeps sleeping, I close my eyes and drift off to sleep again

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