Treasure (7)

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Hey guys....I just wanted to make light on this chapter a bit, so every song that Selena Gomez writes in real life Ally writes in the story, other artists and songs are written by the actual people, she sings covers and writes her own songs.

To clear it all up, songs Selena writes, Ally does, other songs she sings are just covers:)

Hope this helps with this chapter and if you have any questions feel free to DM me and I'll try and get back to you<3
"Bad boys ain't no good,
Good boys ain't no fun..."


I stood there, frozen, I couldn't believe it, he found me, he actually kept his promise.

I should have known though, Tyler was a dick but he was also a man of his word, maybe being as naive as I am thought his promise didn't mean anything, even if it sounded sincere, one thing about Tyler was that he was a man of his word, if he made a promise, he would keep it.

I felt my breathing slow down and my heart beat quicken.

He found me.

I felt myself stumble back a few steps then fall on my bed.


I only moved here a couple of weeks ago and he already found me.

I can't tell Blake, hell, I can't tell anyone.

Especially mom, she had to move for me and she didn't like it, she hasn't said much to me since, not like she did anyways, but it still hurt.

She knows what HE did, any normal mother would have done something other than sigh and move a year later. He only did it once but it's the worst thing you can do, especially to a 15-nearly 16 year old.

I was dating Tyler for around 3 months before it started, that was horrible but not as horrible as what he did a few months after.

I should have just given in.

Then the promise, when we finally left he made me a promise, and he kept that promise.


I was just walking to the bathroom, we were in the airport and were about to leave my whole life, everything I knew was about to be forgotten. I felt someone follow me.

I looked behind me but only saw the familiar, busy crowd of the airport, I paid no attention to it and continued my trip.

I had just finished my business and was walking out of the bathroom when my arm was tugged and I was pulled behind the bathroom where the crowds didn't go.

My heart beat sped up just by the 'kidnapping' and I thought I was going to have a heart attack when I saw who it was, it was Tyler.

"Tyler" I choked, scared for myself.

"Love" Tyler smiled, but it wasn't the smile that I loved, it was a cold smile, a smile that made me see how cold hearted this guy really was.

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