Another party - part 2 (38)

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"I know I'm good for something, I can be used as a bad example"


"Hey princess, fancy seeing you here?" I say when I see Allison.

Literally the only reason I'm even fucking here.

I would never be caught dead in a place like this. Dress up? Really?

Although I must admit when I saw Ally I didn't mind the dress up.

"Chase?" She questions looking at me surprised.

"So you are surprised to see me here?" I ask her, I knew I was being annoying but I just wanted to hear her talk to me, since she stayed the night at my house last time we hardly ever speak and it's fucking killing me.

"No I didn't think this was your scene?" She laughs awkwardly trying to walk away.

"A party with all these half naked girls isn't my scene?" I wink.

She looks a little hurt for a second but the emotion goes before I can confirm it. "You're right, I should have expected to see you here" she replies walking away before I can say anything.

Are you fucking kidding me? I fucked it up again!?

I roll my eyes and go to the bar tender. "Hey there babe, could I please get a beer?" I smirk at her.

She looks at me and rolls her eyes, "don't call me babe" she replies as she hands me a beer.

I walk away in shock, I don't get rejected.

All the girls here were all looking at me suggestively in their half naked outfits trying to revel more of their boobs and ass to me than already was.

I didn't want any of these girls, I wanted Ally.

Damn she looked good in her little outfit, she was wearing tight pants that showed off her ass and legs well but didn't show skin and an off the shoulder top that showed just enough boob.

I walked into the main part of the party to see if I could find Jake or Aiden but instead saw Ally and Oliver dancing on the dance floor together.

She moved her hips effortlessly to the music and her smile literally had all the boys attention, including mine.

Her and Oliver looked happy together, the golden boy and the most beautiful and smart girl in school together, it worked well, I don't know why I can't get fucking over her.

I walked back outside hoping to catch the boys but ran into Chelsea instead.

Fucking great.

"Hey snuggy" Chelsea grins walking over to me in her rabbit costume.

Wow Chelsea be more fucking predictable.

"Chelsea get the fuck away from me" I say instantly.

Instead of looking hurt like she usually does she looked pissed off.

"Why the fuck not Chase you never rejected me before" Chelsea demand making me roll my eyes and grab out a cigarette.

"It's fucking Allison isn't it" Chelsea spits looking at me.

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