Understanding the reason why (19)

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"No one warns little girls how boys with such pretty who smell like smoke, who taste like rain, who talk like silver, are the reasons behind tear soaked pillows, half finished poems, and so many sad dreams"


After I left Ava's room I walked down to the living room and sat next to Chase who was playing some game on his phone, when he saw me sit down he turned off his phone and looked at me.

"Thankyou so much princess, for everything" he smiled.

I smiled back at him, "Chase, why didn't you tell me about Ava?" I ask, a little hurt that I didn't know.

"How come I don't know any of your past issues? Don't think I haven't noticed how your mom is hardly there and your dad is never there" Chase replies.

"Good point" I laugh awkwardly.

We sit in an awkward silence for a while until Chase finally breaks it.

"Are you tired?" He asks me.

"Yeah, I actually am" I reply yawning, not realizing how tired I really was.

"Okay come on", Chase says and gets up, expecting me to follow.

I follow absentmindedly, wondering how the bad boy is so good with his little sister, that he has to be the way he is, he has to fight.

A few seconds later he opens a door to a room, it wasn't a very big room, but big enough to be the master bedroom of a small house, to my surprise there was no pictures of half naked girls on the walls and it was surprisingly very clean.

"Oh so the bad boy is clean?" I smirked.

"That depends princess, I'm pretty clean but I can be real dirty aswell" Chase winked.

"Oh my god" I replied sighing, I need Jesus.

"Let's go to bed" Chase smiled an adorable smile.

"Shit Chase I don't have any pyjamas" I said, realisation hitting me.

"Shame princess, you'll have to sleep naked, but to make you feel better I'll sleep naked too" Chase smirked.

"CHASE" I yelled.

"I'm kidding princess, I'll get you a shirt and sweats". Chase laughed.

I just glared back in reply.

A few moments later Chase threw a shirt and sweats in my direction.

I took the shirt and sweats to the bathroom, the shirt was plain white, and the sweats were a dark grey with white elastics, the shirt went down to just above mid thigh but the sweats fell right off me, no matter how many times I rolled them up.

I went back to Chase with the sweats deciding that the shirt covered enough of me to pass as respectable.

As soon as I walked in I noticed Chase's back, he was wearing nothing but deep red sweats with elastics talking onto the phone with someone while facing the wall. His back muscles tensed every time he moved and can I just say....YUM.

I have a thing for back muscles and let me just say that Chase was doing just fine in that department.

I've seen Chase shirtless before but I've never had the chance to have this good a look.

Yeah I'm a perv I know.

All to soon Chase ended the phone call and turned around to see me leaning against the door frame watching him.

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