Meeting his mom (21)

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"A bad boy can be very good for a good girl".


"Where to?" I ask already knowing that wherever it is I will go because I am a sad girl who like many others girls, have developed feelings for the school's typical bad boy.

"It ruins the fun if I tell you" Chase smirks, "I'll be 10 minutes, gotta have a shower" Chase goes to walk out but turns around and smirks again, "by the way princess, I liked it when you had my sticky white stuff all over you".

I blush crimson red and hear Chase's deep chuckle as he walks up to have his shower, by sticky white stuff he was referring to the milk and sugar mixed on me from our little food fight earlier.

Still blushing, I walk into the lounge room to see Ava and Maria, I probably should apologize to Maria for what she walked in on earlier. It's not like it was bad though, just 2 friends having a food fight, right?

"Hello dear, how was your night?" Maria smiles knowingly.

"Pretty good thanks, I had fun" I smile back.

"You were definitely having fun this morning weren't you?" She smirked.

That's where Chase gets it from.

"I am so sorry about that Maria, it looked a lot less innocent than it wa-"

"Ally stop!!" Maria cuts me off. "You and Chase looked like you were having fun, Chase seems to be a lot happier now that you're in his life, helping Chase clean up after you guys is the least I can do to show my appreciation, Chase may not be my son but he needs a good girl like you in his life". Maria continues.

Before I can say anything, Chase comes back down wearing his typical leather jacket, white fitted shirt, and black jeans, he kisses Maria on the cheek and gives Ally a hug before gesturing for me to follow him.

instead of replying to her comment from before I just smile in appreciation, Maria smiles back.

"Chase, where are we going?" I ask again as we walk out.

Chase just smirks at me, but something about his smirk wasn't as confident as it usually is.

"Motorbike or car?" Chase asks me, I give him a look, "why did I even bother to ask" he comments walking in the direction of his beautiful motorbike.

I smile as I follow Chase.

We hop on his bike, and I instantly grab a hold of his waist being used to the close proximity, "Get comfortable princess, it's a long drive" Chase smirks winking at me. He takes off as soon as he makes that comment.

Remembering what Chase said about getting comfortable, about after 5 minutes into the trip I lean my head on his shoulder hoping the action doesn't make him uncomfortable, the move doesn't seem to upset him, so I lean my head on his shoulder for the remainder of the trip.


About 20 minutes later we pull up to

Chase parks his bike and helps me off, I give him a questioning look.

"Princess, you're about to meet my mom" Chase smirks.

"What?!" I reply, "I'm not dressed for that, oh god I have to do my hair and change my outfit" I panic, I know it isn't a big deal but for me, it's a respect thing, with Maria it wasn't so bad because I had already met her, but meeting any other parental figure just scares me, I'm that person who needs everyone to like her, especially needing parents approval.

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