His girlfriend (47)

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"If everything is imperfect in this imperfect world, love is the most perfect in its perfect imperfection"


It had been a week of Chase and I being a couple and he was so perfect.

I don't think that everyone at school still 100% believes it to be honest.

Chase has never had a girlfriend and suddenly he does.

We spend as much time as we can together, every night this week one of us has stayed at the other persons house for the night and I think that sleeping next to someone who I love is my new favourite thing.

Tonight we are doing some group thing at Bella's and then Caleb has asked me to spend the night with him.

He has also been really supportive and good with this whole Chase thing, he's letting me be swept away but not to the extend that I ignore everyone else.

I'm excited to spend the night with Caleb tonight, I miss him!!

We still spend most days together but it's been about a week since it was just him and I so tonight we're catching up.

Chase was fine with it, Caleb was the only guy that Chase was absolutely fine with and to me that made him even hotter if that was even possible.

He was jealous but in that hot way like making it obvious we were together when he thought a guy would look at me the wrong way and I was kind of loving it.

Chase also picks me up every morning but he used to do that anyways.

I was surprised at how good Chase actually was at this whole boyfriend thing all considered.

I had also promised Ava that on Sunday I would take her out for that girls day and she was very excited.

It was Friday now and Chase and I were in photography, our last class for the day.

The bell sounds breaking me from my thoughts and soon after Chase is waiting at my desk for me. I kiss him on the lips and stand up.

"I'm just gonna catch up with Charlie quickly, I haven't spoken to him in ages, I'll meet you at your bike in 15?" I ask him kissing his lips again. "Sure" Chase smiles and walks towards Aiden who was smirking at us.

I go out the front and spot Charlie quickly. "Charlie!!" I enthuse hugging him tightly making him laugh.

"Hey Ally I haven't seen you in ages!!" Charlie replies smiling, "wait is Chase gonna kill me for talking to his girl?".

I laugh at his comment, "I just wanted to ask how everything was going for you".

He doesn't answer because something behind me distracts him.

I turn around to look at what it was and see the new girl walking around looking a little lost.

She was cute, she has red hair up in a pony tail and was arranging her glasses that were almost bigger than her face.

I smirked when I saw the look on Charlie's face. "Like what you see huh?" I gesture behind me causing him blush crimson red.

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