The kiss (26)

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"Girl, I may be a real bad boy,
But baby, I'm a real good man"


"I'm sorry, I didn't know about your mom, I had no idea that would happen, and you're also right about Blake, and how I should have been there for him and for you, but if you'll let me, I'd love to be in your life as of now" my father requests.

A part of me wants to jump back in his arms and forgive him, but the other part is warning me to be careful, to not trust the man that has already hurt me so severely in the past.

"I'm not sure" I reply honestly.

"I'll talk to Blake and Caleb and decide, I will get Jake or Damon to let you know what I think, I want to let you in, I truly do, but you've hurt me so severely and I'm not sure I'll be able to take the hurt again" I justify, I didn't need to justify anything, but it felt right.

"Okay, fair enough, I hope you allow me to be in your life" my father replies, I nod my head in response and walk away to find Chase.

I find Chase, the waitress, maybe about 40 or so was leaning over him obviously pushing her boobs together, Chase looked extremely uncomfortable and I couldn't help but laugh a bit at his expression, I walk over to him smiling and when he sees me he instantly looks relieved.

I walk over to him but before I can sit across from him he pulls me to his side.

"Hey babe, I missed you" he says as he kisses my cheek.

Oh my god, please do that again.

"Hey?" I say confused.

"Barbara, I'd like you to meet my girlfriend Ally" Chase says, begging me to play along.

I take pity on him, "hey", I smile a little too sweetly.

I know I said playing along was a pity thing, but apart of me knew that I just really wanted someone, even for a second and even if it was fake, to truly think that Chase and I were together, that I could score someone as hot as him.

Chase puts his arm around my waist and rests it on my hip to add to the illusion.

Barbara, or whatever her name was looking pissed off, stormed away.

"Anything to call me your boyfriend hey princess" Chase smirks.

Oh shit he's caught me.

"It's okay then, I'll just go and let Barbara know that we're not actually together and you're all hers" I smirk back.

Chase looks scared for a moment before he's signature smirk returns to his extremely attractive face, "hungry" he asks.

"I actually am" I laugh as I sit across from him and look at the menu.

About 5 minutes later Barbara came to take our order, looking extremely salty.

"What can I get ya babe" she says, facing Chase and completely blocking my view, obviously trying once again to gain the bad boys attention, much like other girls, and as much as I hate to admit it, including me.

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