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One good girl is worth a thousand bitches.


When Ally told me about that guy I don't think I had ever been so angry, how fucking dare he do that to someone so pure and innocent.

The only time I had ever been as angry was when I caught the fucking assholes trying to take advantage of her.

Why is it Ally who keeps being put in the situations, she doesn't deserve that.

Caleb called her and told her that Oliver was waiting for her, and I'm just glad she was infront of me when walking towards Lulu. I don't think I could have hidden my jealously and hurt this time, they had been dating for a few weeks and I hated every second of that.

Apart of me was angry that Oliver got to have the most beautiful girl in the world, but the other part was glad for her, I would ruin her innocence if I brought her into my life and that was something I loved about her.

Wait what?




I knew I had strong feelings for her, but love? The only girls I had ever truely loved were my mom and Ava.

So many times I had tried to get over her, and so many times it hadn't worked. I had done things like fuck other girls just for a moment of peace, I wasn't going to this time though, there was no point. So instead I just have to sit and watch Ally be happy with Oliver.

Ally and I jumped on my motorbike and I tried to ignore the fact that her arms were tightly around my waist and her boobs were pressed against back.

The proximity got to me every time, no matter how many times she rode with me, I could never get over how close our bodies were, it felt right.

Like usual when we started driving Ally lay her head on my shoulder and the proximity was even closer, I tried very hard to ignore the butterflies exploding in my chest.

This girl is turning me into a fucking girl.

We arrived at school all too soon and Caleb was waiting at the entrance, she gave me a kiss on the cheek as a goodbye and allowed Caleb to help her off my bike.

I think only then did she realise what she did when she kissed my cheek, she had a boyfriend now and she probably shouldn't have but I think it was just an instinct.

I watched as Ally and Caleb walked out of site and then Dean walked into site.

"Oi, bro" Dean modded.

"Hey man" I replied.

"Let's go to Luigi's" Dean suggested.

I nodded telling him I'd meet him there and started the drive just expecting all the boys were gonna meet us.


I had just got to Luigi's and found a table, trying to ignore Barbara's smirking.

Dean walked in soon after and sat In front of me.

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