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find what you're looking for | olivia o'brien

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For three moon cycles leading up to the Raids, I trained with Ulric, the Master of Arms. Even though I was a full fledged Warrior and was able to shift into my wolf, I trained.

"You've gotten better, Cana," Ulric praised after a grueling training session. He wiped the sweat off his brow, rolling his shoulders back. "You and your partner will have no problems this upcoming Raid. You're more than ready."

"I hope so," I muttered out, my breath coming in short gasps. Ulric had managed to find an opening to my stomach and I regretted thinking I was fast enough to move out of the way. Even though Ulric wasn't in his prime, he was still a formidable foe.

Lupus Tribus took great pride in cultivating warriors amongst Warriors.

"You already have one picked out, then?" Ulric inquired innocently, his back turned to me as he prepared to stretch and cool down.

"A what?" I sharply asked straightening up, "a partner?"

Ulric kept his body facing away from me, only twisting his head to glance at me in affirmation.

"I suppose you could call him that," I reluctantly, and hesitantly began. "I didn't choose him, though." I began my stretches, the soft movements of my muscles contracting and releasing giving me a soothing feeling.

"I told Wolfric his stubbornness was unfounded," Ulric casually stated. "His ego is too massive for him to listen to me; it's a wonder how he agreed to train you as a pup in the first place!"

"Wait," I slowly began, halting my movement, my brain whizzing. "You knew who my partner was before I even said his name?"

"Of course, Cana. Wolfric told the Council of his plans."

"Are you serious?" I asked in disbelief. "Wolfric told the entire council?"

"Of course he did. He's the Chief. There were very little objections to it, too."

Ulric took my silence as a bad sign as he lightly said, "Plus, Wselfwulf's scent is all over you."

That got him his intended reaction. "I did everything! You can still smell him?!" I shrieked, my voice coming out more shrill than I anticipated.

"Girlie, it doesn't matter what you decide to do; if the Gods have chosen Wselfwulf as your intended mate, nothing can pull you two apart."

Fuming at this revelation, I continued my stretches. "I thought we got to choose our mates, though."

"You do, in some cases. In others, it's already predetermined," Ulric calmly stated, noting my aggressiveness.

"But that makes no sense!"

"Life makes no sense, child." I knew it was childish, but I silently (and halfheartedly) finished my stretches for the day, ignoring Ulric.

He had no part in my bad mood, but I was still miffed at the thought of being forced to mate the one wolf who hated my existence. Why, why was the only suitable companion for me the one wolf who thought I was worse than silver bullets? I wallowed in self-pity for a bit longer, knowing that once I finished my training, I would have to be the gelid Warrior that was expected of me.

"Have a good rest of the day," I mumbled to Ulric and when he nodded in dismissal, walked to the lake to wash up.

I was in the middle of washing my face when Wselfwulf's scent wafted over to my nose. My nose twitched at the familiar scent and I sighed in annoyance. Even by the lake, I was subjected to his presence. He was everywhere!

I let my eyes wander over his human form, slightly dismayed by the aura of power radiating from him. I couldn't even see him and his aura was suffocating me! Indeed, Wselfwulf was a beautiful human and a wolf, but his personality towards me was ugly. I shook myself out of these thoughts and focused on finishing my business so I could go to the market and get some vegetables for Clelia.

Unbeknownst to my wolf enhanced senses, blue eyes watched my every move.

. . .

Trekking along the pebbled path to the market was as mundane as it ever was. The only difference was that the females of the Tribe were extra careful around me and offered their assistance more than ever.

I furrowed my eyebrows at their ludicrous behavior, instead walking over to the vegetable stand to examine the edible ones.

"Let me help you, Lady Cana!" An overly perky voice asked and I looked over to my right to see a girl about 13 summers past, who came up to my neck, with glowing blonde hair, smiling at me.

"Lady?" I inquired, my voice perplexed. "I'm just a Warrior, no need to address me with such a grand title."

"You smell like Wselfwulf the Warrior, and since he has such an vital rank in the Tribe, I thought it fit to call you lady," she shyly looked at her feet. "That is, if it's okay with you."

"Pup, please address me as Cana the Warrior," I warmly smiled at her. "I am no lady, so there is no need for you to address me as such. "

"But, you smell-"

"It's because we are both students of Wolfric, nothing more, nothing less." I abruptly, but gently corrected her. Seeing her slightly crestfallen face, I lightly brushed her shoulder. "Come, show me which vegetable you think is the best." She quickly grinned, showing me her favorite.

After purchasing what I needed and thanking the Pup for assisting me, I promptly began traversing to my hut. No doubt Clelia was waiting for me. I smelled the familiar scent of Wselfwulf and lightly growled. Of course he was here as well. For telling me to ignore him, he was doing a horribly great job of seeking out my location and conveniently being there at the same time.

As I was wandering down the pathway of the market, I began hearing whispers from the crowd mongers. Assuming it was nothing, I ignored it. Probably squealing over Wselfwulf. A small ache made itself known in the area surrounding my heart, and I rubbed my palm over the skin.

Perhaps I had overworked myself?

As I walked closer towards the crowded area, the ache in my heart went from a small, insignificant twinge to a full blown pang of agony. I stopped walking, shifting the package of vegetables in my right arm, my left hand on my heart. Something was extremely wrong.

Colors flashed in front of my eyes, my head spinning. Wselfwulf's scent was excessively prominent and my wolf enhanced nose felt like it was about to overdose on his scent alone. I was vertiginous, knowing something was wrong, but not knowing what exactly. My legs felt like liquid, as if my bones had melted. My body couldn't support me and I tilted to the left.

Moments before I hit the pebbled ground, I finally understood what the whispers were saying.

"Poor Warrior. Her intended is with another she-wolf." 

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