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sleep | citizen

. . . 

I woke up to soft caresses. The pinpricks of reality began to seep into my consciousness and I struggled to catch the fleeting lethargy in my grasp.

Snuggling in the warmth that my wolf so longed for, I lolled my head, taking in a deep breath, inhaling. Noting that I was in the arms of my unspoken adversary (yet appointed mate), I wanted to bask in the peaceful moment as much as I could. Things would go to hell soon and I wanted to make sure I was rested enough to deal with my actions.

The soft caresses that woke me halted momentarily, but continued after an instant of deliberation. I opened my eyes, the sunlight causing me to squint.

"You're awake." The two words were said with a calculating precision. Not knowing how to react, I began untangling my limbs from his, assuming Wselfwulf would revert to his cold ways. I sat up, pulling my sheets around myself, bracing myself for his oncoming verbal assault.

When he remained silent, I rolled my shoulders back. Of course, Wselfwulf would not acknowledge what happened the night before, he was too proudful to do so. I was going to commence on as if nothing happened either.

I was Cana the Warrior. I would endure.

He sensed what I was going to do before I did it, as just as I attempted to get off the bed, Wselfwulf's hand grasped my wrist. I turned to look at him, eyebrow raised.

There would be no more emotional Cana. I would deal with him head on.

"Yes?" I asked, my eyes drawn to his fingers wrapped around my wrist.

"You okay?" He asked, his voice gruff from sleep.

"I'm fine."

"Is this the arm I hurt?" His began slowly rubbing his thumb on my wrist, the motion causing goosebumps to erupt on my skin.

I swallowed. This was a painful topic.

"Let go," I asked, my lips pursed. At his questioning glance, I nodded to his hand. "Let go of me, Wselfwulf. I am not Channon."

He dropped my wrist as if it shocked him.

It was silent for a bit. Noting his bruised and swelling skin, the Wolf within me began whining at her hurt mate. The kindness within me would not let me stoop to his level and I could not just leave an injured Wolf to tend for himself, regardless of who it was.

"What do you want to eat?" I asked, standing up from the bed and stretching.

"You're willing to feed me?" He asked in disbelief.

"Contrary to popular belief, I do not want to be the cause of your death, oh Future Chief of Lupus Tribus," I snarked. "The medicine I will give you requires you to eat beforehand."

"Whatever you're eating is fine."

I nodded in response, after tying my long hair back, I looked at him once more. "The bathroom is connected to this room, feel free to use it."

I felt his eyes follow me as I left my room.

. . .

I was in the middle of cooking the remaining food I had when I felt his presence. I ignored him, continuing with the task at hand. I was almost done when he spoke.

"Where is the pup that resides with you?"

"Clelia goes to the Orphan's Tent during the Raids," the I assumed I'd be attending this one, too was left unspoken. "She will be back once she sees all the Warriors returning from battle."

I placed the bowls on the table and gestured to Wselfwulf to begin eating. I raised my eyebrows when I noticed the clothes he was wearing. He noticed and shrugged, a wolfish expression on his face.

"I always hide my clothes in vague places; dropped by to get these before I came here," he explained at my unspoken question.

I nodded and began eating, no mood to make conversation with Wselfwulf. It was quite as we ate, the silence suffocating me. After placing the bowls in the sink when we finished, I told Wselfwulf to sit on the couch.

It was going to be painful sitting so close to him once more, but I would do it for the sake of the Future Chief. Slathering the salve on my fingers, I began applying it to his wounds, staring intently at the swollen skin. I would not make eye contact. He was silent for a moment.

"Cana, wh-"

"Why are you making conversation with me?" I asked abruptly. This was not the Wselfwulf I was accustomed to. I continued applying the salve, wanting to finish this as soon as possible.

"Because I want to."

"That's nice, but why?" I asked, my confusion displayed on my face.

"You saved my life," Wselfwulf quietly said. "Figured if you were willing to go that far for a Wolf that has made your life hell since I first met you, you couldn't be too bad."

The nonchalant way he said that boiled my blood and I stood up. Placing the bowl on the table, I wiped my hands on a wash cloth.

"No." I seethed, my hands fisted. "No, you do not get to do that!"

"Wha-" Wselfwulf began, but I cut him off.

"You do not get to choose when you want to treat me like the worst thing you have ever seen or like I am your best training buddy. It doesn't work like that!" I ranted, my anger raising. He stood up as well, his height towering mine.

"You made my life horrible for the past twenty-one summers, why should I be polite to you? You made sure my status as a Warrior in this pack was always questioned, not fully tarnished, but always tainted!"

I glared at him. I was seeing red, my Wolf taking control. I could feel my fangs lengthening and my claws elongating. I did not realize Wselfwulf had grabbed both my hands in his own, preventing me from attacking him.

"You treated me like I was trash all this time, and the one time I am useful to you, you begin treating me decently. I will not stand this, Wselfwulf, I will not be treate-"

Chapped lips met my own and I swallowed my words. As soon as my Wolf understood that her mate was soothing her the best way he knew how, she retreated. My fangs shrunk and my claws receded back to stubby nails. At this point, Wselfwulf was not holding my hands anymore; rather, I was clenching his shirt.

I felt nimble fingers in my hair and I sighed at the contact. This was the first time I had ever been kissed and in the back of my mind, I wondered why I had never done this before.

I pulled back, breathing heavily. "Oh my gods," I muttered, shocked that this had happened.

Wselfwulf looked me in the eyes and murmured, "my behavior for the past twenty summers of your life has been unacceptable, but I hope you find it within your heart to forgive me." 

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