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It was as if my heart had magically (my human conscious snorted) healed itself in the short while I laid embraced in Wulf's arms. I woke up the next morning rejuvenated and refreshed, something that I was severely lacking before. I woke up before Wulf and took the time to study his face uninterrupted.

Wulf's face was interesting.

My eyes traveled from his hair to his closed eyes that met with long, curled lashes to his cupids bow, and his chin. The slope of his nose and the fine hairs on his face weren't as perfect as they seemed from a far; his skin was not as smooth as I assumed it to be, nor was it as weathered as someone who spent the majority of their time outside.

His face was an odd combination of beautiful and fierce and I could honestly study it every single day for the rest of my life and not get sick of it (pretty sure this was the Wolf within me speaking). I honestly would have continued studying him, had Clelia not found us cuddled in the bed.

She jumped into my room in excitement, screaming, "Cana! Cana! The Warriors are back!" Seeing Wulf and I in bed, she let out a soft "oh!" before leaving the room. Skipping out of the room, she called out,

"I'm sorry, Cana! I didn't mean to intrude."

Rubbing my hands across my face, I groaned at the sunlight hitting my face. "You're okay, Pup, come on in." The loudness had jolted Wulf out of sleep and he scrunched up his face at the sunlight as well. Scanning his surroundings and realizing the "danger" he detected was really just a pup, Wulf relaxed.

"You sure?" She hesitantly asked, her voice cautious. "You have a ... visitor." At this, Wulf let out a bark of laughter, his eyes mischievously glinting.

"I'm not going to hurt you, Pup," he called out to her, sitting up and rolling his head to get rid of the sleep knots.

"You sure?" She asked again and I hummed in response. Clelia shuffled into the room, her face extremely curious. "What happened here?" She asked, her eyes wide.

"She beat some sense into me," Wulf answered before I could.

"What do you mean?" Clelia instantly shot back and I grinned at her grilling.

"She made me see exactly what I was throwing away."

"Wselfwulf the Warrior," Clelia began, her voice serious. "You better not have hurt my mom or else I will be very disappointed with you." My heart swelled at her calling me her mother (something she refrained from saying before, I noted) and at her fierce tone.

"I would never," Wulf seriously responded back.

"Uh-huh, you hurt her before! How do I know you won't hurt her again?" Clelia sassed at him and Wulf looked at me with a certain look in his eyes.

"Clelia the Pup, I give you my word as a Warrior, my word as the future Tribe Leader, my word as the mate of Cana the Warrior, that I will never intentionally attempt to hurt her, physically, emotionally, or mentally."

"Oh wow," Clelia breathed in awe. I cleared my throat at how heavy the room got with Wulf's promise, but Clelia began smiling with joy. "I approve! You're perfect for Cana!" She joyfully exclaimed and threw her hands in the air.

As she was celebrating, I took the moment to briefly stare at Wulf and how he was looking at Clelia. Softly grinning, I lightly shoved his shoulder and mumbled, "C'mon, let's eat something, first," before leaving the room.

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