Berk Dragon Training Academy

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"WHAT?! You, Killthorn Therfston?! Impossible!" the chief bellowed.

"No, not impossible." I resisted annoyingly.

"Uh...I'm confused. Who's Killthorn Therfston?" the famous dragon-trainer asked. I opened my eyes wide.

"You DON'T know Killthorn Therfston? I'm wanted all around the archipelago!"

"Not here, I guess. Because I've never really heard of you."

"It's because she never came here." The chief explained to his son. "She IS wanted throughout the archipelago. She's a mysterious, unknown troublemaker who seems to have been caught now," he smirked. I grunted.

Mist grunted with me. I turned around, anger returning back to me.

"So, now that we're done with introductions, please let my dragon go and we won't cause you any trouble, leave Berk for good and never come back." I tried to restrain from exploding as much as possible.

"Oh no, we can't let you go!" the fat blonde with short legs joined the conversation. "You're the first rider, EVER who's been able to train the stealthiest and most territorial dragon in the book of dragons! Can you show me its poisonous acid, please?"

I rolled my eyes. "Mist, shoot!" Mist took my command and emitted a shot of hot, poisonous acid straight at the muscled black haired one. He dodged at the last second.

"Hey! Watch it!"

"You were in the way," I smiled innocently.

"Hmm...attitude, great dragon, lovely face, you're a keeper," he leaned in close to me. I wanted to puke.

I pushed him away and said matter-of-factly, "I'm fourteen. I'm tiny, you're huge. I'm smart enough to ride a Changewing, you're so dumb you don't even know YOU'RE dragon is flaming up your pants right now." I pointed to his monstrous nightmare who was playfully setting fire to his pants.

"Aaaaaah! Ow, ow, ow!" he yelled as he ran to the nearest tub of water and jumped in it. "That's the fourth time this week!" He sighed in content. The blonde haired Deadly Nadder and I giggled. I looked at her as she looked at me. We both smiled.

"You're pretty cool for a fourteen," She admitted.


"Aaaanywaay," the fat on with short legs interrupted. "We have to take you and your dragon for testing at the dragon academy."

"Yeah, before that, can you just tell me your names? I'm identifying you right now as your physical appearances..."

"Right, forgot." The famous dragon-trainer Hiccup gave himself a facepalm. "I'm Hiccup, this is Astrid, the one sitting in the water tub is Snotlout, these two are Ruffnut and Tuffnut, and that's Fishlegs. We'll introduce our dragons later. Right now, Fishlegs is right. We need to take you and your dragon to the academy. If what we've discovered is true, this would change everything in the mystery class of dragons. And-"

"You're not taking me anywhere!" I screamed. "I'm out of here. Now, RELEASE MY DRAGON!"

"Woah, woah, woah, calm down Killthorn! It's okay, we won't harm you. It'll just take a few hours, then you can go. I promise." Hiccup said soothingly. He walked over and brought out his hand so I could shake it. It was then I noticed he was one-legged, the other being a metal prosthetic. I folded up my arms, refusing to shake it. "Oohkay..." he brought his hand down awkwardly.

"I'll shake that hand if you promise to release Mist."


"My dragon." I rolled my eyes. "Who else is trapped here?"

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