Chap 3-From the Future

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She closed her eyes as she sank deeper in the puddle. Is this a dream? Laura asked herself as she sank deeper.....and deeper.

With Ross~~~~~

"Bow!" He shouts, closing his eyes as several men got down to their knees, and bowed. "God! Please help us bring water in this world!" One man shouts who was the closest to a deep and large, bucket.

The rest of the men repeated, "Please god! Please god! Please god!" It had never rain in three years. People are dieing, the king, Ross Lynch, is upset and depressed. They needed something..... magical to happen.

With Laura~~~

She choked as she reached the surface, and coughed some more before opening her eyes. Laura blinked. There, was about twelve dozen men dressed in red, going from their neck to their knees, and they were wearing hats that has strings, with something like the ornaments on a Christmas tree.

Her eyes locked with a boy---looking about 16 sitting on the throne, and he was staring at her with his mouth dropped open, that was when she realized, everyone's eyes were on her.

Laura gasped as her heart fastened. Mom? She whimpered, and then looked down. She was in a bucket. An old, dirty, large bucket. Laura raised her eyebrows as she just frozed there, unable to move. She just stared at the blondie on the throne.

Then one man shouted something Laura didn't catch. She blinked and widened her eyes as several men in red suits charges towards her, with long swords---most likely a toy.

They surrounded her as she gulps. She didn't look back. She just stared at a man who was sweating, and got in her sights. They suddenly put swords on her neck, to the left, and to the right.

Laura giggles. "This isn't real right?" She asked, as she poked one of the swords. She felt liquid rush down her fingers a second after she did that. Her eyes widened as she put her finger infront her face, examing the blood that ran down her hand.

That's when she started to panic. Then, out of nowhere, Laura screamed, really loudly. Then, one of the man shouted something like, "Hyaaa!" As they brought the swords closer to her neck, about to slice it off.

Laura whined and closed her eyes, waiting for this ridiculous dream to end. She could hear the swords clanking against one another. "Wait!" A powerful voice says, Laura opened my eyes as the swords disappeared from my sight.

She stared at the blonde who was staring at her. "Who are you? And why are you wearing that? What is that thing behind your back?" The blonde threw questions at her. I just squeezed my eyes and opened them, "Please don't hurt me!! I'm only 16." She screams.

Everyone looked at me, confused. She glanced from side to side, she wasn't dreaming, knocking on her head a few times. Nope. She used her tongue to lick her hand. Ew. Positive. She wasn't dreaming.

"Bring her to me." A voice ordered. Without realizing it, she was dragged towards the king by several men. Laura found myself kneeling infront of him.

"Stand." He says, in a nice way. She stood up, still not making eye-contact with the handsome blondie infront of her. "What's your name?" He asks Laura softly.

"Laura." She whispered. "Good now, Laura, I'm going to ask you some questions." He says slowly and steadily. She nods, still staring at the cracked floor.

"Alright. Why did you appear In the bucket? And where did you come from?" He asks her, trying to get her face to meet his. And so she met his confused face.

"I don't why I appeared in a bucket and I was from um....the future?" Laura tried to sound casual, then, she gasped and her eyes widened as several swords was placed on her shoulders again.

A/N-Hope you enjoyed this one, share it to others please?!


Comment on what do you think is going to happen next.

xoxo~~~Tiffy <3

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