chap 19-Jacob and Raini

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She only stops when she saw a giant bucket sitting in front of her. The bucket that she'd appeared in. Where she almost got killed.

Out of curiosity, she walks over to it, and looks down into the depths of the bucket. Long, ever-lasting. Gasping, Laura stumbles back, and continued walking, shaking.

She wasn't sure where she was heading, somewhere she could be alone. Somewhere she could let it all out. Somewhere where love doesn't exist, and it wouldn't tear her apart. Impossible.

She ran now, her feet hitting the ground in the rithem of her heart beat.

She knew where she was heading---an ocean. She wanted the feeling of waves wrapping around her ankles, pulling, then backing down again. She wanted to dig her toes into the sand, feel the softness of it. She wanted to inhale the ocean scent, calming every ounce of her nerves. She wished for it to happen.

Her wish wasn't granted. In a few miles from her, she spotted Jacob's back, and he was clearly speaking with someone. She recognizes her voice---Raini. Questions and predictions ran through her mind as she stares wide-eyed at the two familiar poeple.

Why was Jacob talking to Raini? What did Raini want? Is Raini Jacob's....girlfriend? Was Jacob betraying Ross? Every time they moved a limb, Laura would jump, startled. I need to run, she thought.

Will her footsteps be too loud? Would Jacob and Raini hear? She suspects Jacob might hear her, from what she'd saw, Jacob was an expert and nearly anything.

There was no where to go. She was trapped. There's only one way out---tiptoe. So she did, her shoes squeaking quietly against the grass. Her heart thumps like she's on a roller coaster.

And then she heard something that made the color drain from her face.

"Do you hear that?"

That, is undoubtedly Jacob, with his bionic ear. Laura gasps before taking off, hoping she wouldn't scream. Footsteps behind her made her positive they were following.

They're getting closer, and closer.

Laura screamed for help.

With Ross~~~

"Where's Laura!" Ross demanded, pointing his finger at a guard's face. "She ran that way," he pointed to the door. "Why didn't you...." he trailed off, looking into the man's eyes. Filled with disgust and wonders.

So he wanted Laura dead, too. Ross walks out the door; he didn't have the time to argue with the guard. As he ran down the stairs, one of Raini's guard that Ross recognizes, greets him with wide eyes and a shallow bow.

"Hello," he says. "Hi," the man replied, "Um..have you seen miss Raini anywhere?" Ross continued walking, as the man follows him. "Nope. I don't know and I don't care."

He walks faster, hoping the man would stop trailing after him. He didn't. "Are you sure? I think I heard her scream somewhere around here," he glanced around.

Ross walked slower, his eyebrows furrowed. "A scream, you say? And you think it's because of me?" Tue man looked petrified. "Well.....," he played with his fingers.

Ross rolled his eyes. Typical guards Raini has. "Go. Never talk to me again." And then the man left without a single word. Ross sighs, picked up his footsteps, and continued running.

He, indeed, heard screaming. It wasn't Raini's. Raini's was loud, piercing, not ladylike. This one was terrified, small but high scream. It was Laura.

Sweat formed on Ross's forehead, as he spun around frantically. Where are you Laura? "Ross!" He heard her scream his name. Hearing the sound, Ross bolted towards the direction of her cry, hoping with all his heart that she was okay.

Finally, in a distance, Ross sees a brunette, with two dark-haired people chasing after her. Yelling her name, he ran across a grassy field. "Ross!" It was the first time Jacob addressed him without 'Your Majesty'. Ross was suprised.

"Jacob." He said. "Can we explain?" He asked, glancing at Laura. Ross wrapped his arms around her waist, tucking her in to his wrath. Laura stood, shuddering.

"And?" Ross glared at Raini. "We wanted to talk to Laura, but she kept running. She's a fast runner." Raini glared at Laura. "And that is?" Ross was getting annoyed. " her life ends in two days, right?"

Laura shivered in Ross's arms. "Yes," Ross replied darkly. "We don't want that to happen, so we offer our help." Ross sighs at Jacob. "I've never seen you like this, so why a offer?"

Raini and Jacob looked at each other. And without hesitation, they pressed thier lips together.

A/N-oo. Oo. oo. OooooOooOaaaAAaaA. Tellllll meee immmmm weirdddddd.

Let's getttt itttt onnnnn!!!!

I have no idea what I'm talking about. Just obsessed with Charlie Puth and Meghan Trainor :)

700 words!


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