chap 13-Raini

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"Raini!" Laura sputtered. The familiar girl glares at her. "I am not Raini," she says in a hard voice. "But..." Laura trailed off, examing her. She does, look exactly like Raini.

The boy in the Japanese house was the boy who was holding the ball. The girl standing in front of her is her best friend, Raini. It couldn't be a coincidence. "Never mind," she whispered, fumbling with her hands.

She bit her lip as Ross welcomed her with fake enthusiasm. Raini smiles, then steps in the castle-like-house. The men never left her side. "So what can I help you with?" Another fake smile from Ross.

"I wanted to see you, of course!" Raini-as Laura calls her--headed towards Ross, hugs him, and kisses his cheek. Ross wiped the spot when she wasn't looking. "It's been so long since I've beem here," Raini sighs, her fingers brushing the furniture.

"In fact, it's been so long that I hadn't realize you got a girl," her head snapped in Laura's direction, eyes brunt with rage. Laura flinched, ignoring her glare. Ross reached for Laura's hand, and said nothing more.

"So that's it?" Raini asked. "A girlfriend Ross? That small, that fragile, that weak, girl?" she rolled her eyes. Laura wasn't offended, she was used to the cruel remarks everyone gave her. Instead, she fought the urge to jump on her best friend's back.

"Oh please, she's smart, funny, and the most beautiful girl I've ever saw," Ross defended her. Raini scoffes. "Whatever you say blondie," she turned her back to him, her face red. It was clear that Raini had to little crush on him.

Laura thinks she tries to hide it, but it was too clear, to everyone's eyes. "I loved you for decades Ross," Raini growls, still not facing him. "And this time when I come back, you have a stupid girl at your side, and you claim her your girlfriend?"

She pauses, then turns. Her hands was visibly shaking, and she had a bright red face. "Are you going to make her the queen, Ross?" Laura froze. Was he? What if they actually, get together, marry, and maybe even have kids?

Laura couldn't even think about it. She still wants to go home. The pain was still in her mind. In her stomach. In her heart. And then she understood why Ross ha declined her as his boyfriend.

Laura was wrong the first time. Raini didn't have a crush on him. She only wanted to be a queen, something she couldn't do without marrying Ross. Laura grits her teeth, feeling sympathy for every king in the history.

There must be a lot of woman like Raini in the past. She realizes it was way too long for a reply, so she assumed Ross ignored her. Finally he said: "You could join us for dinner," by the look on his face, Laura knew that he wasn't excited about it if she comes.

Raini glances at the men. Then, a smirk grew on her lips. Her face lighted up like a light bulb. She had an idea. Whatever it was, Laura wasn't going to like it. Neither would Ross.

Laur knew that her best friend hated her. Laura knew she has taken all the hope from Raini when she first laid eyes on them both. Laura knew Raini was going to do something bad to her. Raini was going to make her pay for it.

By the look in Raini's eyes when dinner arrived, Laura knows that she'd die. Even if she wouldn't, certain death will come two weeks later.

A/N-Hope you enjoyed this chap! Short, I apologize, but I have the finals coming up.

Wish me good luck >_<

And PLEASE be patient for the next one♥


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