Chapter 6

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Danny felt guilty too. While the rest of his friends, his brothers were dealing with their own shit, he was being completely selfish. His mind was focused on Ben & having him ripped away from him again was more than he could take. He swallowed hard, shrugging a bit. He wasn't aware if he was hurt, because he'd only been worried with Ben's safety. "I don't know..." He said softly, voice breaking through the tears. Once he'd made it outside he let his eyes slip closed to mask the tears that were streaming down his cheeks. He made it out just in time to see them putting Ben into the ambulance and drive off, sirens blaring. He stood and watched as they drove away, "please let him be okay. Please let him fucking be okay" he said softly. And just when he thought his legs were going to give out from under him again, he felt Cameron's arms around him. He let his eyes close once more, his head resting against James shoulder.

Sam knew James was in pain. That short time when he didn't know where Cameron was was the worst time of his life. He couldn't imagine what James or Danny were going through at that moment. He couldn't help but be a bit happy that Cameron physically seemed to be okay, that he was aware of anyway. He kept his arms wrapped tightly around James, as he saw Danny and Cameron emerge from the bus. He let his own eyes slip closed when he felt Cameron's arm and felt his lips once more. His heart was breaking for his brothers and he only hoped that Ben and Jake would be okay. For all of them. "They will" sam started softly, wrapping his arm around Danny and Cameron. "We've proven before that nothing can break us, so we will get through this too." He added, hoping he wasn't lying.

Matt had been flipping through the channels when the news of a bus crash came on. Something in the pit of his stomach told him to leave the channel alone as the reporter on the scene began talking about the incident. He shook his head, sighing as the camera zoomed in on the overturned bus, three guys huddled in the middle as another ambulance. "Fuck--" he started, moving to the edge of his seat as he recognized the three guys. "Holy shit! That's fucking Danny!" He yelled, glancing away from the tv to yell at Andy who was currently in their bedroom. "Baby, come here there's been an accident" he turned his attention back to the tv, trying to swallow back the lump in his throat.

The lingering fear of what Danny may do if Ben didn't make it through settled into the back of his mind. James, though, he wasn't so sure about. He could never really read James, and now more than ever, he was wishing that wasn't the case. Nodding slightly to agree with Sam, he wondered if they actually would get through this if they didn't all get through it. Tracing his fingers over Sam's back slowly, he pressed another kiss to the side of his head before looking up as the paramedics commanded their attention, requesting that they all load into the ambulances to be checked out at the hospital. Nodding slightly, he was actually thankful for it, unsure of how they'd have gotten there otherwise to check in on Ben and James.

James didn't know what to do. He was at a complete loss, and even though everyone was assuring him that everything would be fine, he couldn't believe it until it was fine. Glancing up when the paramedics requested that they all get checked out, he nodded slightly before ducking his head again to close his eyes momentarily. Wiping at his face, he finally picked himself up enough to climb the embankment to the road, a little embarrassed to be standing on the side of a highway in his underwear with various blood types on his hands, face and chest. Glancing down at himself, the back toward the rest of the group, he spoke softly. "I look like a mad man."

Andy had been in the process of cursing at the blank paper for not magically producing lyrics when he heard Matt from the living room. Furrowing his eyebrows, he stepped cautiously into the living room. "What did you do?" He questioned, then looked toward the TV. With Asking Alexandria flashing across the ticker tape, he didn't need any more answers than what he could deduce himself. Grabbing his phone, he quickly called Jake's, and when he got no answer, he tried again. And again and again before finally frantically trying to get Danny instead.

Danny swallowed back his tears as he slowly climbed into the ambulance, covering his face in his hands as he sobbed softly. He didn't pay attention to the paramedics as they asked if he was okay, instead he kept his face hidden, unable to look at anyone. Especially anyone that wasn't one of his brothers. He slowly began rocking as his eyes traveled to the wedding band he wore proudly on his finger. "He has to be okay." He mumbled, shaking his head as he slowly began to rock back and forth. "Got to be okay"

Sam sighed softly as he watched James and Danny climb in the ambulance. He stopped in front of Cameron, leaning in to press a quick kiss to his lips. "I love you" he mumbled against his lips before he climbed in, taking a seat next to Danny. He could faintly hear a phone ringing, but it sounded a bit muffled. He felt his pockets, shaking his head. His phone must have fell out sometime during the wreck. He reached over, grabbing the phone from the fingers pocket. He let his eyes slip closed, his hands shaking slightly when he saw Andy's name flashing across the screen. Knowing no one else would be able to tell what happened, he answered the call, mentally trying to prepare himself for this conversation. "Hello?"

Matt was immediately by his husbands side, sliding an arm around his waist. He knew Andy was worried & he was too. He loved all those guys like brothers & hoped they were all safe.

Cameron stopped outside the ambulance, moving his hands up to either side of Sam's face while he looked at him sadly. "I love you so much," he mumbled softly, catching Sam's wrist to turn him around for another kiss, letting it linger against his lips for a second. "I can't lose you," he whispered softly, finally letting him go to climb in as well, wincing at the pull in his side. He looked up when he heard the phone ringing, then from Danny to Sam, back to James. Cameron moved over to sit in front of Danny while he laid his hands on his shoulders to still him. "Danny, look at me, mate. Look at me," he requested, meeting his eyes when he finally looked up. "He won't leave you," he promised, trying to convince them that Ben would be okay.

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