Chapter 11

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Ashley sighed softly, wrapping his arms around Andy, pulling Adam up also. He rested his head against Adams shoulder, fighting hard to keep his emotions in check. Matts arms wrapped around Andy's waist, glancing down when he heard the phone ringing. "That might be sam"

Ben could hear someone, a voice in the distance, but actually finding the energy to open his eyes was something entirely different. Laying idly on the bed, he made a small and quiet noise, but he didn't move much more than a twitch of his fingers in Danny's hand.

James tried to speak between her words, tried to ask if he could see Jake, if they thought he'd be okay, if there was anything he could do, if they'd please, please save him and he didn't care what it took, time and resources, that he'd pay millions if it meant ensuring Jake's recovery. All of the things he wanted to say, however, were shadowed by what he did say. A simple and quiet "Okay." as his eyes diverted to the floor. He wasn't sure how much more he could cry before dehydration set in, but his eyes welled again and he turned back to face Sam, pressing his face against his shoulder.

As Danny moved into Ben's room, Cameron stepped back closer to Sam, laying his hand against his lower back gently. "You guys please let them examine you. I'll wait for any news," He promised, chewing nervously at his lip.

Adam stepped up closer, laying his arms around Andy's shoulders while he stood behind him. Turning his head down to press a kiss against the top of it, he looked up at Matt, leaning over to kiss him hello quickly. "Are we ready then?" He questioned, looking back at Jinxx and CC. Andy nodded slightly, about to grab their bags when his phone rang. Answering quickly, he closed his eyes tightly. "Sam?"

Danny perked up, eyes wide when he felt the small twitch in his hand. He scooted the chair closer, his grip tightening on Ben's hand. "Ben? Ben, come on baby. Please wake up. I need you" he said, trying to get him to open his eyes. His free hand came up, running through his husbands hair slowly.

Sam rested his head on top of James', holding a finger up to Cameron. He took a deep breath when he heard Andy's voice, "hey...the nurse just came out and gave us an update" he said, placing his hand on top of the drummers hand, leaning against Cameron as he spoke "I'm not going to lie to you...he's in bad shape, Andy, he's already flatlined once. Apparently a shard of glass pierced his carotid artery." He took a deep breath, eyes welling with tears.

Matt offered a small smile to Adam, keeping his attention on his husband. Ashley bit on his lip nervously as he waited for the news. CC sighed softly, giving a slight nod as he headed toward the back door. Unsure if he was ready to hear exactly what was wrong with Jake. He walked outside, the cool night air hitting him.

In any other circumstance, Ben probably would have felt sick, weak and had a splitting headache, but the morphine had him just feeling high. Shifting his fingers again, he tried to pry his eyes open as he recognized the voice, and as Danny spoke the monitor beeped faster with the pace of his heart. Opening his eyes, only to have them roll back and close again, he breathed deeply before forcing them open to look at Danny. "Hi, baby," he whispered sleepily, disoriented and confused about where he was and what had happened.

Cameron waited as Sam relayed the message to Andy, moving his arm around the both of them to rub over James' back gently. Pressing a kiss to the back of Sam's head, he sighed against his hair, moving his free arm around his waist tightly. James kept his face hidden, his shoulders trembling, both from crying and the fear of losing Jake sinking into his chest.

Andy fell back against Matt lightly, grabbing his hand tightly with his own while he closed his eyes. Nodding slightly against the phone, he tried to keep his voice steady, though it was a little higher than normal, shaky even. "Okay. We're leaving now. Please, if you see him or talk to him, tell him that we love him and we'll be there soon," he requested, not wanting anything to happen without Jake knowing that they cared. Aaron watched as CC walked out, waiting until he was a good distance to the door before following after him. Stepping outside, he closed the door behind him, shoving his hands in his pockets while he watched CC's back. "He'll get through this," he assured him. "He's been through worse, right? There's nothing he can't do."

Danny couldn't help but smile as Ben's eyes opened and he heard his voice. "You're awake" he said softly, leaning in to press a quick kiss to his husbands lips before settling back against the chair. "You scared the shit out of me, baby" he said, wiping at his eyes with the back of his hand.

Sam gave James a light squeeze, taking a deep breath as he nodded. "I will. I promise. You guys be careful, okay? And we'll see you when you get here" he ended the conversation, sliding his phone back in his pocket. "They're on their way" he said softly, turning his head slightly to look at Cameron. "Please go get checked out, baby" he pleaded.

Matt held Andy tight, pressing a kiss to the side of his face. He glanced at Adam, obviously more worried now given Andy's reaction. Ashley swallowed hard as Andy ended the call with sam. Gripping both Andy and Adams hands tightly he managed "how is he?" His voice cracking slightly. CC had been looking up at the night sky when he heard Aaron's voice. He slowly turned his head toward the voice, offering a half smile. "I know...but if anything happened to him, I don't know what we'd do"

What with his altered mental state and all, Ben felt a sudden and overwhelming guilt when Danny said that he'd scared him. Frowning slowly, he reached one hand out, laying against the side of Danny's face while he traced his thumb slowly over his dampened cheeks. "I'm sorry," he whispered, closing his eyes again. "Please don't hate me," he begged quietly, his lower lip quivering. He had no idea what he'd done, but he knew it couldn't have been good if Danny was scared to the point of tears.

James felt a little relieved about the guys being on their way out, and he looked up when Sam hung up. "Thank you for handling that," he offered quietly, squeezing his hand before moving away to lean against the glass again, watching Jake sadly as the team tried to very carefully pick shards of glass from his body. Cameron sighed softly at Sam's request, nodding a little. "I will, I promise," he assured him, depute the pain in his side becoming closer and closer to unbearable. Every single move irritated it more, but he was scared. "I just, um..." He stopped, glancing down while he prepared his admission. "I'm scared to go alone, and I don't want to leave him," he admitted quietly.

Andy closed his eyes tightly while he collected himself enough to relay the information. "A piece of glass punctured the carotid artery and he's flatlined once," he explained quietly, looking between the faces that were staring back at him expectantly. Adam held Ashley's hand tightly, his free hand moving around his waist while he held him back against his chest, hoping to provide some sort of comfort to him. Aaron nodded a little, stepping closer to CC while he reached out, tracing his fingertips down the length of his forearm and into his palm, lacing their fingers together. "He won't leave you guys."

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