Chapter 15

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James closed his eyes tightly at the last of Ashley's words, pushing himself up quickly from the chair. He shoved past the group without a word, out and into the hallway, slamming the door behind him. He didn't stop walking, didn't answer the nurses that asked if he was alright, just stormed his way past the nurses' station and out the door, jaw set and fists clenched tightly at his sides. Stopping at the bench of the bus stop, he unloaded his fear and frustration, throwing a punch into the glass that covered the advertisement, watching it shatter under his fist before using the heel of his foot break it out before dropping onto the bench. Covering his face with his palms, he hung his head as hot tears spilled over his cheeks, knowing all too well how true Ashley's words had been.

Cameron looked between the guys before turning to look at Sam. "You go get him and I'll work on this?" He offered, settling his hands over Sam's to press kisses to the backs of each of them, then his forehead before turning back to look between each of the guys, finally directing his gaze to Ashley. "I know you're upset and angry, we are too, but that was uncalled for. James didn't do shit, and if you honestly think that he wants this any more than any of you, you're either blind or stupid or both. He's so fucking in love with Jake, I've never seen him like this about anyone, and I'll have you know that he's been here, by his side, since they second they allowed him in the room." He explained quickly.

Andy took a step back from Ashley as he spat the last bit, shaking his head slightly. "Ashley, stop," he requested, dropping his head. He couldn't even tell if he wanted to fight for or against Ashley right about then, but he knew that he was too tired to fight at all, and he really just wanted this all to end and everyone to come together again. Adam closed his eyes tightly, moving his hand into Ashley's tightly. "Baby, enough," he requested, pulling Ashley to look at him. Moving his hands to either side of his face, he traced his thumbs over his cheeks to wipe away the tears before shaking his head slightly. "You have every right to be upset, but this isn't the way to handle it," he offered softly, leaning closer to kiss Ashley's forehead gently. Aaron sank back against the wall, keeping his hand tightly in CC's while the rest of them fought, nodding slightly to agree with his boyfriend. Jinxx ignored the guys and the argument, moving around the other side of Jake's bed while he took his hand, the other moving to brush hair back from his face slowly, whispering softly. "Jake, come on, you're stronger than this..."

Sam nodded, shooting a glare in Ashley's direction before hurrying out of the room to find James. Spotting a few nurses outside the room, he stopped one of them, hoping they'd seen which direction James had went. "Excuse me, my friend who was in that room over there" he started, pointing at Jakes door. "Did you happen to see which way he went?" The nurse nodded, pointing "thank you" he said as he hurried out of the building. It didn't take him long to find James, on the bench. He sighed softly as he made his way toward James. "Hey." He started slowly, placing a hand on his back "don't let Ashley get to you, okay? He's just upset. This is not your fault, James. Not by a long shot. Jake loves you. He was here because he wanted to be with you,"

Matt stepped in, closer to Andy as he wrapped his arm around his husbands waist, pressing a kiss to his cheek. "This isn't good for anyone, okay? Everyone's tired & worried and that's not a good combination." He sighed softly, as he turned his head to look at jake, a tear slipping down his cheek. Tears streamed down Ashley's cheeks as he buried his face in the curve of Adams neck, slipping his arms around him to hold him close. "We can't lose him. I can't lose him." He mumbled, body racking with the sobs ripping through his body. CC turned to Adam, shaking his head "maybe you should take him outside for a few" he said softly, not wanting to upset Ashley, but he's heard people in Jake's situation could hear their loved ones & he didn't want him to hear the fighting. He swallowed hard as he gave Aaron's hand a light squeeze before walking toward jakes bed, slipping an arm around Jinxx as he spoke quietly "come on bro. You need to wake up now"

James jumped a little, startled by the hand on his shoulder. He hadn't expected anyone to want to be near him, not with the realizations that Ashley was spouting. He glanced up when Sam spoke, shaking his head slightly. "He's right, though. If I'd let him go back then they wouldn't be dealing wight his. None of them would have to know what that feels like if I had just let him go back," he rubbed at his eyes, glancing down at his feet before closing his eyes tightly.

Andy wrapped his arms around Matt's neck tightly, hiding his face against his shoulder. His eyes closed and he waited for the fighting to settle down. Adam nodded slightly, moving Ashley toward the door to step outside and into the hallway, keeping his arms tightly around his shoulders. Pressing a kiss against the side of his head, he shook his head slightly. "He'll make it out of this, I know he will," he assured him softly. Jinxx leaned against CC's side, moving his arm around his shoulders while he watched Jake on the bed. "I can't believe this is happening..." he muttered softly.

Sam shook his head as he took a seat next to James. "Stop blaming yourself, James" he started, taking a deep breath "Jake loves you. He's head over heels in love with you. He didn't leave because he wanted to spend as much time with you as possible. And yeah, they're going through a lot right now, but let's be fair, so are you" his hand slipped down slowly, rubbing across the drummers back. "Ashley was way out of fucking line back there"

Matt sighed softly as he held Andy close. He knew they were all under a lot of stress right now and knew things would eventually settle down. He just hoped it would be sooner rather than later. "You wanna go get some air, baby?" He asked. Ashley's eyes slipped closed as the tears streamed down his cheeks. He couldn't believe he'd reacted the way he did. And said the things he did to James. This wasn't his fault. It was no ones fault. "I'm such a fucking mess. What the hell did I do?" CC sighed softly, keeping his arm around Jinxx's waist. "I know...I keep waiting for him to wake up and laugh at us for getting so upset..." His voice trailed off as he cried "please wake up"

James moved his hands up and into his hair, grabbing at it gently. He sniffled a little, keeping his eyes fixed on the ground. His voice lowered a little, barely above a whisper, while he spoke again. "I'm so in love with him, Sam. I don't know what to do," he exhaled slowly, shakily while he replayed the sight of Jake in the hospital bed in his head.

Andy shook his head slightly, peeking up from Matt's shoulder to look at Jake again, unable to focus on him for too long. Adam shook his head slightly, pulling back a little to look down at Ashley. "Hey, everyone understands. Tensions are high and you just reacted. They know you didn't mean it," he assured Ashley softly, brushing his hair back gently before pressing a kiss to his forehead. "Do you want to go talk to him?" Jinxx shook his head a little, turning it to tuck his chin over the top of CC's head. "I know. He has to," he mumbled quietly, knowing it was just wishful thinking.

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