Chapter 14

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Cameron moved his hand to slowly stroke the back of Sam's head, closing his eyes. He sighed softly, pressing another kiss to Sam's forehead gently. "I'm right here, safe and sound," he assured him softly, leaning back to press a kiss to his lips slowly. Offering a small smile, he cocked his head slightly. "I'm not leaving you."

Andy nodded slightly, biting at his lower lip while Matt spoke. He knew Matt wouldn't leave him, not now, and of course he had the guys as well, but that part of his brain that worried too much wouldn't let him forget that there was a distinct possibility that Jake may not make it out of this hospital. Adam followed Ashley, keeping a decent distance to give him space but simultaneously trying to be there for him. He looked over the bed, closing his eyes slowly at the sight. Aaron wrapped his arms tightly around CC's shoulders, nodding a little. "You don't have to. They'll understand," he assured him, bringing his hand up to gently wipe at CC's tears.

James startled awake when he heard footsteps in the room, sitting up quickly in the chair while he looked around as people filed in slowly. "Hey guys," he whispered, rubbing one hand over his face while the other stayed settled on Jake's arm gently.

Sam nodded, swallowing hard to calm his nerves. He wasn't going to tell Cameron about his nightmare, at least not now. They had enough on their plate at the moment & didn't need to deal with some stupid nightmare. He nodded his head slowly as he looked up at Cameron. "I know, sorry to be such a baby" he said softly, slipping his arm through Cameron's.

Matt took in a shaky breath as his eyes fell on Jake's still form. He'd never seen someone look this terrible, at least not a good friend. He couldn't imagine what must be running through the guys heads at that moment. "Oh god" he said softly, giving Andy's hand a reassuring squeeze. Ashley shook his head as he looked from Jake to James. How was this fair? Their brother, best friend was lying on that bed fighting for his life while James got out without a scratch. Maybe if he'd had the chance to think about what he was saying, he'd have chosen his words better, but his mind was reeling and he glared at James. "This is your fault!" He began, walking closer to James. "If he hadn't came down here to see you he'd have been home with us! And wouldn't be fighting for his damn life!" CC raised an eyebrow when he heard Ashley's screams from the room. "What the fuck?" He said, pushing the door open as he heard each word Ashley threw at James. "Ashley! That's enough."

Cameron shook his head slightly, kissing Sam again slowly. "I love you. You know you can always talk to me," he promised, though his thoughts were cut short by the yelling from down the hall. Looking back quickly, he kept Sam close to him while he hurried toward the room, looking inside before shoving past the crowd to stand beside James. "Hey, hey!" He shouted loudly, holding his hands up quickly to try to stop the yelling.

Andy's eyes shot from Jake to Ashley when Ashley started yelling, and while he could understand where Ashley was coming from, he knew that he hadn't intended for it to come off the way it did. Keeping his voice calm, he laid his hand on Ashley's shoulder, pulling him into a tight hug. "Hey, Ashley, calm down," he whispered softly, trying to calm him as best he could. Adam was startled by Ashley's sudden outburst, and he looked on a little dumbfounded. He'd never been the best with confrontation, and before he could get to Ashley, Andy was already there. Adam moved closer, laying is hand over the small of Ashley's back while he pressed a kiss against the side of Ashley's head, moving his arm around his waist to pull him toward the door. "Hey, why don't we get some air?" He offered. Aaron followed CC into the room, eyes wide while he watched the scene unfold.

James was more than a little startled when Ashley started screaming at him, and he sat up quickly, scooting back in the chair until he was pressed as far back against the wall as he could. His eyes were wide and child-like while he listened to everything that Ashley had to say, curling into himself with his knees pulled up against his chest. He knew that Ashley was right, had James not been so selfish about keeping Jake with him, none of this would have been happening to them. Nodding slightly, he hid his face behind his knees, curling his hands around his legs tightly, not even bothering to fight back.

Sam followed Cameron in Jake's room when he heard Ashley screaming. He stood in front of James, shaking his head "that's enough Ashley." He started, putting his hand out to stop him from coming near James. "I understand you're upset. We all are. And how the hell do you think he feels?" He asked, pointing back to James. "I know I you guys love him, but guess what? James loves him too. Jake was out here because he wanted to be with James. They're in love, Ashley. And do you honestly think your behavior would make jake happy? We should be together right now, not pushing each other away."

Matt stood to the side, eyes wide as he listened to Ashley's words. He knew Ashley didn't mean what he was saying. He was upset, and didn't know how to handle his emotions. Deep down, Ashley knew everything sam was saying was true, but right then, he didn't care. "I guess they were right when they said love hurts, huh? Let's just hope it doesn't kill" he spat, he rested his head against Andy's shoulder, trying to calm himself. CC sighed "everyone's under a lot of pressure right now. We're all friends, why don't we act like it?"

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