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This book is dedicated to you. 

Yes, you. 

Because we've all lost friends. Because we've all gained new ones. Because we've all had to say goodbye. Because we've all had crushes, and we've all lost them. Because we've locked ourselves away from the world and cried ourselves to sleep. We've all cried until our soul shattered from the inside. 

Because we've all been there. We've done that. Some of us are still going through it. If you are, remember, this isn't the end. You'll get through it. You aren't alone, and there's always a light at the end of the tunnel. 

We all have pieces of this story inside ourselves. This may not be your story exactly, but I hope you recognize yourself in some part, in one way or another. Because this truly is a story dedicated to all of us. 

This is a story of friendship, love, and loss. This is a story of coming out stronger in the end. Of learning and growing. I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it. 



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