Chapter 7 - All Eyes Are On Me

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A/N Hope you guys are liking this story so far! If you have anything you want to say about it, don't be shy! Dedicated to @Jess_maynard who has followed this story so far and i really appreciate everything she's done!! :D Happy reading my beautiful readers!! <3 xxx

Louise's POV

I woke up lying on top of my quilt. I must have just fallen asleep while thinking about dad... I shook this thought out of my head again; it had caused enough damage already. I looked over to my clock. 8am. Crap. I jumped out of bed and rushed around to get ready for school. I'm already in trouble for getting into fights, I don't need to be late too! Throwing on my school uniform – yes they still make us wear a uniform! – I ran into the bathroom to make myself look half decent.

"The school bus is outside!" My mum shouted up the stairs.

"Crap!" I said, this time aloud.

"The school bus has left." My mum shouted again. Yeah thanks... I finally finished and ran downstairs to some soggy cereal on the kitchen counter.

"Thanks..." I said indifferently.  "Can I just get a bit of toast to walk to school eating?" I hinted at the word walk hoping my mum would give me a lift.

"Sure." Some toast popped out of the toaster. "You can have mine. Now get a move on or you'll be late." She shoved the toast into my hand and walked out of the room. I sighed heavily and threw my school bag over my shoulder, slipping my shoes on and walking out the door without another word.

"What the hell? I'm late and she knows it and I have to walk? Does she even care? What's the point in this?" I mumbled to myself. "Stupid dry toast. She didn't even put butter or jam or anything on it, just out it pops and here you go. Now I have no lunch either. I make my own lunch every day, the one time I'm late and she doesn't do anything..." I kicked some stones as I walked; occasionally taking a small bite out of the plain, dry toast. God, I can tell this day is going to be horrible.

"Oi." Someone shouts from behind me, but I ignore it. "Hey!" They call again. I'm not in the mood – can you just leave me alone? "Louise!" They shout. I spin round ready to shout abuse at them, but I bite my tongue. There, in front of me, is Conor on his motorbike.

"Conor?" I ask stupidly.

"You're gonna be late." He laughed.

"I missed the bus." I shook my head.

"And breakfast." He nodded to the toast I held in my hand. How embarrassing!

"Ha. Yeah. It's not been a good morning..." I laughed nervously. I couldn't help but lap up the image in front of me; Conor was there, straddling his bike, in black leathers... My God!

"How do you feel about bikes?" He asked me suddenly. You could tell even he wasn't sure what he was saying.

"Umm. I don't know, they're cool..." I shrugged.

"I got a spare helmet..." He nodded to a box on the back of his bike. "You want a ride?" I was always good at reading facial expressions, something my dad taught me, and as I stared at Conor's face I could tell he was debating with himself.

"Nah, it's alright. I mean I wouldn't want people to think we were..." I held back from saying a couple even though I so desperately wanted to. "Friends..." I finally said.

"You have like fifteen minutes to get to school. There is no way you'll make it. I'm just trying to be nice!" He smiled awkwardly, like he was nervous.

"If you don't mind?" I smiled casually but inside I was screaming and dancing around. He reached into the box on the back of his bike and pulled out the helmet.

"Put this on." He ordered and threw it to me. I looked confusedly at it before pulling it on my head. I fiddled about under my chin trying to tighten it. Conor walked up to me and laughed. He took his bike gloves off and tightened the strap under my chin. "That alright?" I nodded.

"Thank you!" I blushed. Conor put the gloves back on and got back on his bike, kicking the stand holding the bike up so it retracted under the bike. He held a hand out to aid me getting on the bike – which I thought I did quite well considering it was my first time on his bike!

"Can you hear me?" A voice appeared in my ear.

"Umm yeah. How are you doing that?" I could hear him laugh and it made me smile.

"I have Bluetooth headsets in both helmets so I can talk to you and hear you throughout the journey." He said as if it was common knowledge.

"I'll try not to have road rage then!" I laughed.

"Make sure you hold on tight. There are handles either side of the seat. It's a weird sensation when you go round corners on a bike!" He said as he started the bike. I grabbed the handles so hard my hands were hurting, but I thought that was better than falling off it or something. We drove off down the road and through the high street, weaving in and out of cars when we could and speeding – Only slightly, don't worry! Before I knew it, we were at school.

"You can drop me off here if you don't want people to see I was on your bike..." I said into the headset, knowing he hated being associated with people in our school.

"No. Let them stare. Makes my life more interesting!" He laughed. He rode into school and right to the front of the car park, we practically passed every person I'd ever seen in my year and I could feel the nerves building up. He pulled into the motorbike spaces and put his feet down to steady the bike, he held his hand out and let me get off the bike before kicking the stand out from under the bike and standing it onto that. He jumped off the bike and pulled his helmet off, his brown hair falling into perfect place. He walked up to me and undid the strap under my chin that I was yet again struggling with and I could sense every pair of eyes in the school on me. People had actually stopped walking and were just standing, staring, waiting. 'Who is she?' I heard a few whisper. I took a deep breath in and pulled the helmet off my head, swishing my hair so it fell back into place and the school gasped. I gave Conor the helmet and he put it in the back of his bike.

"You alright, Ross?" Conor said and I instantly followed Conor's gaze over to Ross, who was stood with his 'new friends' with a shocked look on his face. I looked back at Conor who had a huge smirk on his face. "Come on then, Lou." He put his arm round me and we walked into school, my urge to scream becoming more and more imminent.  We walked to our lockers and he quickly looked around to see no one was there. "How did I do?" He asked me with a smile.

"What do you mean 'how did I do'?" I asked, confused.

"Well, I wanted to annoy Ross for you, cos he was an ass. How did I do?"

"All that was to shock Ross?" I asked, not sure whether to be flattered or annoyed.

"Nice stunt there, Lou." Ross walked up behind me. I didn't turn round.

"There wasn't a stunt, Ross. Just jealous I've moved on?" I turned round, faking a smirk.

"As if. I've got better friends than you. Don't know why I wasted so much time with you..." Before I could get my fist ready, Conor stood square on to him, mere inches from him.

"If anyone wasted any time, Ross, it would have been her." Conor said harshly.

"Got someone to fight for you now?" Ross looked at me as if he felt sorry for me. "My friends were right with what they said about you..." I shoved Ross back onto some lockers.

"You don't have friends." I laughed. "I felt sorry for you." Ross's face grew angrier and he shoved me back. I got my fist ready but was all too easily interrupted by Mr Gregory.

"LOUISE!" He shouted from down the hallway. "ROSS. CONOR. My office now!" I slowly lowered my fist and looked Ross up and down, shaking my head. I walked away from both of them, I need to cool off, and I know this is going to be another day of being told off...

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