Chapter 30 - The Truth

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A/N: Hey guys! Another quick note from me! Thank you all for your positive comments last chapter, it really cheered me up and made me smile! I love you all! Unfortunately i think this story is nearing the end *sobs quietly* but i hope you all like this chapter! Dedicated to Conors_VegasGirl for your constant support with my fan fictions! So Thank you! xxxxxx

Louise's POV

I stayed over at Conor's house last night. We didn't get up to anything if that's what you think, we just talked for ages. I never realised how much we had in common, it was scary. He was actually quite a lot like my dad. I had to wear one of Conor's t-shirts because I didn't bring anything round – so yes, I smelt like a man...

"You ready to go, hun?" Conor asked as he threw his backpack over his shoulder. I nodded eagerly. We walked out of his house and he put the keys into the ignition of his bike. The black leathers he wore were tight and showed off his muscles, I couldn't help but gawp a little. He handed me gloves and a helmet and I put them on quickly, jumping on the bike as soon as I could.

"You ready for school to know everything?" I laughed as I spoke into the microphone in the helmet. I could feel the tension and nerves build up in my stomach. School are now going to see me and Conor together. Like properly together.

"I'm not worried if you're not!" He said confidently. "Let them stare; they're just jealous that you got me and they couldn't after years of trying!"

"And the guys will be jealous of you?" I questioned unconvincingly.

"You'd be surprised. People don't think of you badly..." Conor teased.

"People have talked about me to you?" I questioned eagerly. I began to twitch my leg as we sped down the road nearing school. Any minute now everyone is going to see me with Conor.

"Maybe. Not for me to say, I'm not a gossip." He started before hesitating. "Oh shit." He said quickly in a worried tone.

"What? What's wrong?" I tried to see over Conor's shoulders, knowing if I leant too far I could tip the bike off balance.

"My gang are outside school..." He said, shocked.

"Oh God." I managed to blurt out. I couldn't speak. What were they doing here? Did they find out I'd called the police on them? Were they coming for David? Were they going to get Conor for leaving them? Conor slowly pulled up into school and parked his bike.

"Stay here." He said sharply as he removed his helmet but the gang were already walking towards us. Seeing them again gave me chills and brought back all the memories of what happened at the park. I could see Jason staring at me as I removed my helmet and it made me uncomfortable. Conor grabbed my hand in his and intertwined our fingers. "It'll be alright." He whispered to me as they came up to us.

"Conor. Why weren't you at our meet up this week?" Jason began, no hi or anything. He looked annoyed – like the kind of annoyed where you don't sleep and you just look like a mess because something is playing on your mind so much you cant think of anything else.

"I was at the police station, covering your asses." Conor said confidently.

"I told you, Jason!" Sanjay piped up, receiving glares from the group.

"Alright!" Jason hissed back. "I was just testing him." Jason shook his head. "You know the police are after us?" Jason looked between me and Conor. "Apparently someone ratted us out."

"Well I spent my day saving you and Louise hasn't even been to the police yet." Conor stated, before shaking his head. "If it's David I swear to God..." I could tell he was pretending he was still on their side about it all.

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