Day 5

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*3 Months Later*

Nitaya POV

       It's Monday. A whole 3 months since I got with Craig. It's been great!! Wonderful. Incredible. Plus my birthday's coming up!! It's going to be amazing, but I just don't know what I want to do. Ok, I have like 3 months to decide, but still!! It's very nerve racking to not know what you want to spend your birthday doing. Hopefully, I come up with something. Maybe I'll just spend it with Craig. Or maybe all of my friends. I don't know. Wait...why am I getting the feeling that someone's calling my name?

"Nitaya!! I asked you a question," Ms.Howard yelled

"Huh? Sorry can you please repeat that?" I asked, my cheeks burning red

"I asked you what the capital of California," she said

   -_- Easy. "The capital of California is Sacramento," answered

"Correct," she said, starting to continue her speech.

      I glanced over at Craig and he seemed to look nervous at the mention of California. I furrow my eyebrows a little bit, confused. Maybe it was nothing. I shrugged it off and the bell rang. I gathered my stuff and started to walk to my next class. Seriously, it was probably nothing. I might be over thinking things now. I'm just being paranoid. Or am I?

Kiara POV

          At lunch, I looked around for Jacob everywhere, but I didn't see him. That was weird. We always meet up at lunch. Maybe it's nothing though. Maybe he had to go somewhere or something. I just couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong. I tried to shrug it off and went to sit with my friends.

"Hey guys, has anyone seen Jacob?" I ask them

"I uh...Haven't uh seen him in a while," Rayan says nervously

         Why do all of the boys look so nervous all of a sudden. I furrow my eyebrows. Maybe something else was wrong. Of course. Something else had to be wrong with them. They wouldn't be acting this weird if something wasn't wrong. I just wish I knew what was wrong with them so we could solve the problem. Maybe I'm just being paranoid. I wonder if the other girls noticed it too. I should just relax, it was probably nothing. I'm just overthinking things. I just wish I could convince myself that nothing was wrong.

Charese POV

    The boys were acting so strange lately. They had to be dumb if they thought we didn't notice that something was up. I just didn't know what it was. They haven't talked all day and they seem so nervous. It was crazy but, I just needed to know what was going on. It was strange for them to be acting this way. I just want to know what's going on with them. Why are they being so weird?

     We all sat there in our own little worlds and I saw Kyiah take Rayan outside of the lunchroom so that they could talk. I wondered what about but I didn't want to ask. Actually, I wasn't all that hungry anymore to be honest. I got up and threw my tray away, then I just walked out of the lunchroom, leaving everyone behind. I had only 45 minutes left. I just started roaming around the hallways and stuff, thinking. I was thinking about....

*Nitaya, Kiara, Charese, & Kyiah POV*

    What the heck was going on????


Author's Note

Soooo I know it's not really that long and all but I didn't want to include TOO much information. Please Stay Tuned And Tell Me What You Tuned!!! Tell Me What You Think!!!!!!!!!!


-What's up with the boys?

-What did Kyiah need to talk to Rayan about?

-Are you confused???????????????


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