I'm Justin

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When Sleeping With Sirens introduce themselves in the beginning of an interview...

Justin: I'm Justin and I play bass

Kellin: I'm Justin and I play bass

Jesse: I'm Justin and I play bass
(He's already left the band now)

Jack: I'm Justin and I play bass

Gabe: I'm Justin and I play bass

Hai gaez vote y klo baca jgn sider y ntar sempak lu dmakan dajjal bodo:v

Tadaaaa w bawain funny meme nya sws jg ad yg tw sws g? Ad yg blm tw sws? Ok jd sws itu band fav gw setelah bvb *dilemparin panci baskom ama ketel*

SWS itu satu label ama 5SOS g jauh2 amat lh producer ny kn sma hehe tpi aliran mreka post hardcore gaez

Dah ah drpd bnyk bacot w kenalin para personilny yg keceh badaii tralala cetar membahenol

Liat mulmed pling kiri ad Justin bassist trs Jack gitarist trs tengah Kellin vocalist trs Gabe drummer trs plg kanan ad Nick gitarist dya gantiin Jesse

Ok sekian perkenalan dr para cogan. Mreka ganteng maximal fix. Bye.

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