5SOS When Drive You

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The boys were your boyfriend.. You and them just in the car on the way to home.. You ask them to drive you to the nearest restaurant bcs you are really hungry n can't hold on..


You: Babe, I'm really hungry

Luke: me too darling. Just waiting. I'll drive you to the drive thru

You: no I want to go to nandos

Luke: but it's so far from here. I can't see you starving

You: Luke please..

Luke: uh okay anything you want baby


You: Babe, I'm really hungry

Ashton: you just have eaten an ice cream before

You: but I'm hungry right now baby

Ashton: okay I'll drive you to the nearest restaurant

You: but I wanna nandos

Ashton: sssshhh. No matter what you eat wherever you eat. That will make you being full and not hungry anymore

You: Ashton!

Ashton: sssssh we're almost in


You: Babe, I'm really hungry

Calum: me too but I'm too tired to drive to a restaurant

You: cal please

Calum: that restaurant is not cheap y/n

You: I want to go to nandos cal. Not there.

Calum: we're going home y/n

You: cal :(


You: Babe, I'm really hungry

Mike: so what? I have no money for your fuckin information

Ju2r bgt yak bang mikel :')

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