5 Seconds With 5SOS

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Jawab yahh jgn langsung scroll ke bawah curang :'v


What would be the one thing you take to a dessert island?

What's your favorite one direction song?

Who's the loudest in the band?


Do you prefer blonde or brunette?

Would you rather hang out with Lady gaga or Katy Perry?

Who is your celebrity crush and why?


What's the best way to relax?

What's the best thing about being Australian?

Who's the loudest as bad in the morning?


What's your favorite food?

Who's the messiest in the band?

Would you rather hang out with 1D or Kings of Lion?







Luke answers

Take to dessert island?
My band

1D's favorite song?
Diana. Attackly Ashton just told me.

Loudest in the band?

Michael answers

Blonde or brunette?
I don't know I don't mind

Lady Gaga or Katy Perry?
Katy Perry bcs she's really hot

Celebrity crush?
Ariana Grande bcs she's really hot

Calum answers

The best way to relax?
Playing FIFA

Best thing being Australian?
The terrible thick accent

Loudest in the morning?
Michael for sure

Ashton answers

Favorite food?
I love spaghetti

Messiest in the band?
Definitely Luke

1D or Kings of Lion?
Both. Make a big party with them mash up.

Ada yg bner smua? :'v

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