5SOS As Daddy Before Concert

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You just knowing there is a coming soon concert and you have to ask your single parent about the money...


You: Dad. I want to watch a concert

Luke: whom concert?

You: p!atd

Luke: how much the ticket?

You: 1M dad

Luke: I'll give you sooner. We will buy 2 for you and me.


You: Dad. I want to watch a concert

Ash: where? When? How much? What band or singer?

You: JEC. 3 months for now. 1M. P!atd

Ash: there is so much time before the concert. Give me your best on your nilai rapor and then I'll allow you to go to the concert.  If your nilai is good. I'll let you.

You: -_-


You: Dad. I want to watch a concert

Calum: whom the hell concert?

You: p!atd dad

Calum: oh fuck! Really?! I love Brendon and Dallon and Spencer but the member in the band just Dallon and Brendon now. Oh shit when the concert will be begin? *fanboy*

You: eumm 3 months from now

Calum: I'll call my friends and we can go to the concert together wow I'm so excited p!atd! *dancing while leaving you alone*

You: fuck


You: Dad. I want to watch a concert

Mike: who?

You: p!atd

Mike: cares

Mati ae w punya bapak ginian :')

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